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Lv 58,619 points

Dakotah C

Favorite Answers6%

Hello my name is Dakotah C. I love to play and watch all kinds of sports. But the ones I do are wrestling, track and feild, cross country, and tennis. I love to watch wrestling ( any kind) WWE, TNA, and/or UFC. I also love cartoons. My favorite one is sailor moon ( you can tell because my icon is sailor pluto). My favorite band is B5. And I just love to do watever and talk to anyone who is avalible. My hobbies include reading, volenteering at the local animal shelters and hospitals, making my own clothes, and helping people with thier problems. So that is most of me but not all.

  • I need Physics Help!?

    I need help with this question please. Best answer goes to the one who FULLY answers all parts of the questions. Thank you.

    Objects of masses m1 = 4.00 kg and m2 = 9.00 kg are connected by a light string that passes over a frictionless pulley as in Figure P4.48. The object m1 is held at rest on the floor, and m2 rests on a fixed incline of θ = 38.0°. The objects are released from rest, and m2 slides 1.30 m down the incline in 3.80 s.

    (a) Determine the acceleration of each object.

    (b) Determine the tension in the string.

    (c) Determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between m2 and the incline.

    2 AnswersPhysics7 years ago
  • Can you help me with the following Chemistry problems?

    I am having a little trouble with the following problems with my Chemistry homework. can you please help me with them. I am very thankful.

    When 30.0g carbon are heated with silicon dioxide, 26.4g carbon monoxide are produced. What is the percent yield of this reaction?

    SiO2+3C---> SiC+2CO


    A clock maker has 17 clock faces. Each clock requires 1 face and 2 hands.

    If the clock maker has 52 hands, how many clocks can be produced?

    On the one above I tried dividing by 2 for each 52 and 17, and then i tried to take the difference between the 2 which is 8. All three were wrong so could you help me there please.

    Like I said, everything is greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • What the hell is up with all of these race questions?

    I have been on Yahoo! Answers a couple of days and everyday I see more and more race questions come up! Really people is race that important? Like today when I saw the question "How much does your white husband make?" and yesterday "How would you take care of black children?" Really? What are your thoughts on all of the stupid race questions now on Yahoo! Answers?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    My hair is really damaged and it breaks off really bad. It starts to grow then it just breaks off. Then when I go to the beauty shop, they always say that my hair is horrible and I always need to get a perm, but my hair don't take perms that well and they only last for 3 weeks. I am african american and tomorrow I am going to get a perm at the beauty shop and I want it to be curly, my hair is horrible. I need help. Please what can I do to make my hair start to grow and stop breaking off! Please help. I roll it every night because when I wrap my hair, it breaks off even worse. Please and thank you.

    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Do you think wrestling would be more entertaining than what it is if...?

    Would you think wrestling would be more entertaining if Triple H was a heel. I stopped watching wrestling for almost 6 months and last night I watched it for like the 1st time in months and I was thinking if Triple H went heel everything would be so more better. Lets face it. Raw is the WWE's biggest show. And there is only one good heel on Raw which is Randy Orton. So if Triple H went heel again, that will lead to more feuds. Not the old...

    Randy Orton vs. John Cena or Triple H. Wouldn't it be better though? And when Triple He was a heel wrestling was better than this crappy pieces of ****.

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Help Me! I have a huge boyfriend problem!?

    Well my boyfriend just told me that he got asked out by another girl. It is killing me. Since he lives in another state I do trust him but I just cant shake this feeling. i am crying my heart out because I love him so much but I really do not want him to breakup with me. We talk all the time, online, on the phone, texts, and letters. I have known him all my life, we grew up together and I lived across the street from each other and I honestly feel like i am about to die. I told him that I trust him but he needs to make a decision but I think i was wrong. I just need to know his answer. What should I do? I need advice of how to get through this feeling.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I become a vegetarian and stay as one?

    For the new year coming up I want to become a vegetarian. I am only 14 years old a for some reason I am getting so tired of eating meat. It just doesn't taste right to me. I do not see meat as food anymore. I see it as an animal. i know that I might get made fun of this( no offense but where I live you are considered really weird for being a vegetarian) but it is worth it. I have tried my whole life to go and stay vegetarian but it never really worked out for me. But now I am going to stick to my word. I have always loved animals. Now I will prove it. Any tips would be great. I am very grateful for your time. This well be great for me! Thank You!

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • YouTube Dating? Is it right or wrong?

    I am 14 years old and I met this guy on YouTube. He is also 14 and I love him. Is it ok to date him. I am very suspicious and aware that he might be a pedophile but I do love him for some reason.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Who saw how pissed mickie james was when Candice came back?

    Honestly did you see Mickie's face when she herd Candice's music. She was all smiles and was like I am going to become Women's champion again but the Candice cam out and she was like she is not about to steal my title shot. Am I the only one who saw that?? I think Mickie and Candice need to fued.

    15 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why Is My Teeth Still Brownish-Yellow???

    I am 14 years old and my teeth are brownish yellow!. I brush after every meal and before I go to bed. I floss 2xs a day. I eat fruits and veggies because I am a vegetarian. And I go to regular dentist appointments. But my teeth are still brownish-yellow. Can it be my genes because my mom and dad both have beautiful white teeth or the tooth-paste I am using(I use crest whitening plus scope and that colgate night toothpaste plus baking soda). My dentist said I have no diseases and my teeth are healthy except for the color. Please help me out.

    8 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Where can i watch Raw tonight online???

    I am over my friends house and she doen't have cable so I am bringing my laptop. Can you pllease tell me a website to watch Raw tonight. Please and Thank You!

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What Happened On Smackdown Last Night?

    See school started on Tuesday and I have to get up at 4:00 in the morning and I lost alot of sleep. Usually I get up at 6:00 but since I go to high school I have to get up earlier. I was soo knocked out that my mom was locked out of my house since 6:30 this morning and I didn't know. Plaese and Thank You!

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Today is my birthday amd I am turning 14 but my mom won't let me order The Great American Bash. Please tell me a website that I can watch it for free????

    Oh and one more thing as of Friday July-18-2008 I am no longer a Cena fan!

    2 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Kelly Kelly vs MIckie James: Story Line????

    Is this a good storyline????Everyone knows that John Cena and Mickie James have this thing going on right. So now Kelly Kelly is on Raw would her and Mickie James be a good Divas feud even though Mickie would win most of the matches????

    Story Line: One night Rw when Mickie James has the night off John Cena and Kelly Kelly are backstage. Then Kelly Kelly is like" John, you know I am a big fan of yours and I really like you but do you think that we could be better than Mickie James' fat ***"(she actually goes there but I am not calling Mickie Fat). And then John is like " Sorry Kelly but I already have a girlfriend taht can actually wrestle better than you". Then Kelly is like " I really don't care that you have a girlfriend I just want to be with you". Then out of no where comes Mickie James attacks Kelly Kelly and beats the sh*t out of her. Then Mickie and John kiss and go on there way.

    Is that a good Storyline??? What do you think???

    12 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Night Of Champions???

    NOC alot of people got screwed.

    Chris Jericho lost the title to Kofi Kingston bcuz Shawn just had to meddle in his business and Michaels paid for it by Jerich tripping him and falling on his hurt eye and hitting him in the eye which i say he deserves.

    Finlay and Hornswoggle got screwd by Miz noking out Finlay and Morrison noking out Hornswoggle to make the pin.

    Kane and Big Show got screwed bcuz it was just a 1 on 1 match until Mark Henry just got up in there business

    Especially the raw brand.

    There are no world titles on raw.

    Batista lost to Edge by La Familia taking out the refferee and Chavo was speacial guest referee. Them cheating**********

    Cena just blankley lost the match but he almost won. He would have won if Mickie James would have came out.

    So basically everyone who lost at nite of Champions got screwed.

    My question is there going to be this Smackdown vs Raw thing again since Smackdown has all 3 titles????

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • A Couple Of Wrestling Questions???

    Questions 3, 4, 5

    Questione 3: Who is your favorite wrestler???

    Questions 4: Where can I watch NOC for free tonite

    Question 5: Who would win in a tag team match the Sailor Scouts( Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn aka Outer Scouts) or the team of Beth Pheonix, Katie Lea, Mickie James, Ashley, and Maria??

    5 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Do you agree?

    That all of the WWE Divas are trying to be like WWf Divas such as...

    Beth Pheonix- Chyna

    Mickie James - The Kat

    Michelle McCool - Torrie Wilson

    ect. What do you think?

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • I am trying to lose an average of 3 pounds a week do you have any ways to work out that is easy ?

    I am 13 and I weigh 200 pounds. I know that it is really un healthy for someone my age. Next year I'm going to high school and I alredy walk a mile a day. In October I am going to start running a mile every day. My goal is 3 pounds a week but I was wondering is that healthy. Because I want to lose at least 50 pounds be the end of December but 3*13=39 but I'll probally lose more pounds if it comes to that . Thanks for answering.

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago