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  • Looking for a crystal locket pendant?

    So last summer I went into a small boutique that sold unusual gifts. I loved a pendant that I saw and vowed I would go back to get one. I went back this weekend and discovered the store closed. I know it was a Crystalline locket. The manufacturer began with an "L" but I can't remember the name. It came in several shapes (a heart circle and moon) are what I remember and it came in sterling silver or stainless steel bezel some encrusted with Swarovski crystals, others were a plain bezel. In the center of the bezels there was a Crystalline "window" on each side and you can open it up and put birthstones and other charms in it that have meaning. It wasn't super inexpensive in the stainless steel, I think the small size was about $45 and each gem/charm was between $5 - $15 a piece. I wanted to get one for my Mother for Mother's Day but am having a hard time finding it now. Does anyone know where I can find any such pendant? I really had my heart set on getting this for my Mom and a matching one for myself. Any help is appreciated.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Suggestions for removing the smell from deer antlers?

    I was walking the dog in the woods a few months ago and came across as what looks to be a set of deer antlers. They were naturally shed and lying on the ground a few feet apart. I love the deer and have seen a beautiful walking staff with an antler on top. I brought them in figuring that they would have to dry out. Well needless to say a few weeks later I noticed a stench. It took me about 2 weeks to figure out what it was. I scoured the craft room thinking a mouse had gotten in there and died. Then when I went to move the antlers I noticed the stench. I don't want to get rid of them and really want to be able to use them to decorate a staff but have no clue what to do to get rid of the horrible smell? There is no flesh that I see as they were naturally shed, and I don't want to stick it in bleach. I really want it to have a natural coloration. I work at the local Ren faire and would like to use the staff while I am at work there. Thanks in advance... I will choose a best answer.

    3 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Help! I can't log into facebook...?

    Earlier today I was able to log into facebook as well as another social networking site ( I went out for a few hours and came back and now I can't log into either account. I tried to log in... tried to change the password for both and when I follow the link... it doesn't accept it and takes me back to the home page asking for my password.. I also tried resetting the password. I can't remember password, then it sends me a link (supposedly to reset the password). When I follow the link to reset the password it takes me back to the log in screen for both sites. Really getting frustrated. I get emails where people are asking me things and normally I follow the link to that and it takes me to my account but it's not working... Any ideas on what happened and what I can do to fix it?Oh and just for your info.. yahoo groups and yahoo answers is working fine. I didn't have to log in again as I stay logged in to all of them, and I am able to post on yahoo groups and answers with no problems. Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks!

    2 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • BBC documentary on ordinary women becoming wiccan?

    A few years ago there was a documentary following ordinary women (from Britain, hence why I think it was put out by the BBC) who agree to learn and practice wicca/paganism. They take ordinary women from all walks of life and connect them with a mentor (High Priestess) who teaches them and builds a coven with them. They were tied into it for several months/ maybe a year don't remember. Anyway it follows them through their first rituals, spell casting, manifestations, etc, etc... I'm sure if I knew the name of the documentary I could find it somewhere online. Some of the women decided to stay with this path in life and others returned to their previous way of living. It was really interesting. I know this is a long shot but I just want to see if anyone has seen this and knows what to look under to find this documentary online. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • ?? about air quality at your place of work?

    Ok.. I am not the healthiest of people I have fibromyalgia and asthma amongst other illnesses. I was working for a company for a little over a year. Every time I walked into the building I would be so congested, and by the end of the day I would be coughing so badly. By the end of the week I could hardly breath out of my nose and barely get through a conversation without going into a coughing fit. Needless to say, I had chronic sinus issues/bronchitis while I worked there. I mentioned it to several supervisors, all agreeing the air quality was very poor... but nothing came of it. I'm wondering is there anyone who oversees air quality in the workplace in the state of PA, and If so who would I go to? It got so bad for me that for the first time in over 10 yrs I had to be put on steroids which gave me a bad reaction and I had to leave work by ambulance and had to get a nebulizer for my breathing. It also has affected my fibro.. I have been in constant pain for the last 6 months or so. I'm thinking I should be eligible for Workman's comp but don't know where to begin a claim for that. I was fired due to the amount of days I was calling out due to the major pain and illness I was having. Where to begin??? Would I be eligible for workman's comp,and if so where can I go to look into this? How do I find out when the air was last tested and when the filters were last cleaned? Help!!!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • How to find an official birth date?

    So we are planning a large family reunion this summer and I am trying to find out an official birth date of a family member. The only info that I have is a social security number. This person lived in another state and I would like to find the date of birth. I don't have money to join any fancy online thing I was thinking of doing but as a single mom, I really can't afford the membership. I did do a free trial for 14 days and can't find anything. I was directed to join to access more options. Does anyone have any idea how to access birth dates and maybe dates of deaths when all you have is a social and state of birth? Any advice would be great. My family reunion will be held in late July and I am hoping to have the entire family tree done before then. Thanks in advance for your help.

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Any idea where to get pagan/wiccan stencils?

    I do crafting of various sorts and will be attending a women's pagan festival this spring and selling my wares there. I am looking specifically for pagan or wiccan stencils that I could use on some of my creations to gear them towards the wiccan crowd that will be attending this festival. I do have a few nature stencils that I can use but I am looking for other wiccan symbols and such,but keep coming up empty handed. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks in advance for your input and help.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • home made Christmas gifts for teen boys?

    Ok so this year I have been adamant about making my gifts and buying American for my family members. I have been busy at work making different items. I have made ornaments for my sisters. Pillows for my mom, crayon totes for the little nieces and nephews, something special for my teen daughter ( I won't list because she reads my and a frame with hand made clay flowers with a pic of the Virgin of Guadalupe for my father (he's very Mexican Catholic). Anyway I have no idea what I can make for teen boys. I have 2 nephews ages 13 and 15 and don't know what i can make for them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I always have a hard time picking out gifts for them. I didn't have brothers growing up and don't have boys myself. The last few years I've given gift certificates, but I wanted to create something meaningful for them, even if they don't appreciate it now. I'm hoping they will eventually. Well, thanks in advance for any suggestions, and I hope you all have a great Holiday season.

    3 AnswersChristmas10 years ago
  • What the heck is this?

    Woke up this morning and found that this popped up underneath a maple tree in our front yard. I never saw anything like this before. It looked sort of like a weird shaped mushroom, but there wasn't a cap like there is on any mushroom I've seen. It just sprung up literally over night. Then by the time I got home from work it just shriveled up and died, it sort of looked like a shriveled up carrot. The stems were about a thumb thick at the base and tapered as it went up, then at the tip where it was brown it got slightly thicker and tapered to a fine point. The brown tip looked slimy looking in the morning and the stalk looked semi firm like a mushroom stalk. It sort of resembled an asparagus in a way. Anyway, I've been curious as to what it is and have looked for red stemmed mushrooms with brown tops and nothing looks like this. Does anyone know what this is? If you know please share , I would greatly appreciate it. The curiosity is killing me.

    Here's a link to the picture.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • advice on training little dog with big attitude!?

    I have 2 dogs one is a Pit bull mix, 11 yrs old and 1 1/2 yr old chihuahua/yorkie mix. The older dog is very patient and non aggressive. He is an unaltered male ( only due to allergy to anesthesia, we were unable to to get him fixed) The little guy has been fixed for almost a year now.

    The problem is that he has gotten really aggressive. He attacks the pit bull at every chance he gets and tonight he bit me. He had gone to the older dogs water bowl and was drinking. The pit bull waited till the little one was done and went to drink. The little dog lunged at the bigger one and I intervened. He then bit me on the lip when I bent over to pick him up. I plucked him on the nose and put him in his cage for the night. I have never had trouble with my dog (the pit bull ) the little guy is my daughter's dog ( he was given to her by a friend for her 15th birthday). I think she has unknowingly babied him so much and now it has gotten out of hand. My daughter always freaked out and thought that my dog would hurt him so she would scold the pit bull if he would get close to the little one. My personal feeling is that the little one needs to be put in his place by the pit bull and he will learn his place in the pack. Any one ever have an experience like this? if so what did you do to help the situation. We have tried scolding the little one and putting him in time out in his cage, as well as forcing him to submit and rolling him over or on his side till he calms down (the Cesar Milan method). I'm getting to the point where I don't know what else to try. Then with him biting me tonight I'm at my wits end. I'm not one to get rid of a dog, but I don't know what else to try. I'm a single mom and just got a job after my former company outsourced my job 2 yrs ago. I'm just now catching up with bills and don't have much money to spare, so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are there any good, free malware/anti virus programs out there?

    Are there any good, free malware/anti virus sites out there and if so which ones have you used?I have avast on it now, and had a one year thing for McAfee that came with the computer,its run out now though. My computer has slowed down considerably in the past few weeks since I did a search on wholesale suppliers. Any clues why or any tips on how to get it back to par? I am a single mom with a high schooler and I take classes in the evenings after work 3 days a week so we need the computer up to par as cheap as possible.Thanks in advance for any information or tips.

    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • where can I get angel wings for my puppy?

    Ok so we have a huge money raising event in our town called "woofstock" sort of like woodstock, only with puppies. LOL... they have an event where you dress up your puppy and parade them around in their costume and whoever gets the most money in votes wins a treat basket. All the proceeds of this event goes to a local shelter, so it goes to a great cause.

    We have a tiny mutt who is a little over a year old. He's quite the ladies man, lol. So we thought of making him a cupid. I need to get him some angel wings though and have no idea where to get them.I'd like to have the kind of wings with real feathers. He's a tiny dog, only 6 pounds and he's full grown. We got him from the rescue so we want to help out. Here's a pic of our baby boy. If you know of a place where I can get them send me a link. Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the spell to put someone in the freezer?

    My 16 yr old has been having trouble from a member of her color guard squad for quite sometime now. Just this past week she had band camp and her cell phone was stolen. Like most teenagers she lives for her cell phone. Anyway she had her cell phone in her bag along with her wallet (had $10 in it) and her mp3 player. The mp3 and wallet were untouched, but her cell phone was gone. We reported it to the school but of course no witnesses came forward. I also reported it to the cell phone company to get a replacement and to see if there was anything they could do. They were able to track it to the address of this girls father by GPS. I contacted her mother and informed her that we were told by another student that her daughter took the phone . I purposely did not tell her that the gps ended at her father's address.

    Needless to say she denied taking it, so it went no further. A day later she and her "best friend" are no longer speaking to each other. My guess is she thought she snitched on her for taking the phone.

    She has done other things to my kid and it's getting ridiculous now. I don't want harm brought to her, I just want her to leave my kid alone. I was told by one of my wiccan friends to read up on how to put her in the freezer to keep her away from my kid. I am new to wicca and have never cast for something like this and right now don't have money to buy a book to find out how to do this. I need to get this done though before my kid goes to school. I want a peaceful year for her. Since last year this girl has been harassing my daughter. My daughter internalizes things and was really sick last year. She now has an ulcer and has been diagnosed with IBS. I don't want her going through another tough year like that. Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What takes the stinging out of a burn?

    So at around 5pm I pulled scallop potatoes out of the microwave and when I went to peel back the plastic wrap burned my fingers with the steam. They aren't blistered or really red,just a little pink. Anyway they have been stinging for hours now (it's 2 am here) I have to have a bag of cold ice on them constantly. If they are out from under the ice for more than a few seconds. The burning stinging feeling comes back. Does any one know anything I can put on it to make the burning stop? Any real advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • which is the best site to get free credit report?

    Ok so my husband and I want to check on our credit reports but I wanted to know which is the best site to get a free credit report for the both of us or even if we have to do them separately. Also have you tried the website you are suggesting. I don't want any scam sites that end up asking for a credit card # or ones that will send you a bill later. Thanks in advance.

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What mix do you think my dog is?

    Ok so I have a tiny mutt puppy and we always try to figure out what he could be mixed with. We know his momma was part chihuahua but have no clue what she was mixed with. She's pretty small about 6 lbs. We believe his dad is part yorkie, but again no clue what it could be mixed with.

    Our boy (Chuy, pronounced chewy) is now a yr old and weighs only 5 lbs on a very full belly. The vet doesn't think he is going to get any bigger. So just lookin for opinions. Till now he has just been our cute little mystery. These are pics of him on Easter and one of him with our other dog who is a pit mix. Thanks for your help in advance.

    He was about 6 months old in this one

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • looking for gold beads for jewelry making?

    Does anyone know of a site where I can buy gold beads for jewelry making. I only seem to find sterling and gold filled, but I want actual 10kt or 14kt gold beads of all shapes. If you know of a site please direct me. Thanks in advance for any help.

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • Is this Legit or am I being scammed about a car?

    I'm looking for a car on craigslist. I live in Pennsylvania, but only about an hour from Maryland, so my search extends into Maryland as well. Anyway I was interested in two cars, but both of them replied saying they would prefer to have money sent securely through ebay, and that the total cost included the price of shipping. Is this a common practice for things of a certain cost, or is this a scam? Does anybody have any experience with this? Please help. I'm really confused. As a singal mom and very limited funds I don't want to get scammed, but I'm in desperate need of a car and the price is right.

    20 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Help??Where can I get a gold pentacle?

    I am looking for a beautiful gold pentacle. I am allergic to silver and coper and would love to have my own pentacle but am having so much trouble finding one.Please if anyone has a link where I can find a gold pentacle let me know. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where to get supplies for a book of shadows?

    I asked this in another category as well, but I was torn with this category too, so I'll post it here as well. So I want to make my own book of shadows. A while back I found a site that had supplies to make your own book of shadows, there were blank covers, and blank page packs in a variety of colors etc. They were unbound and you could hold them together by rings or ribbon. Anyway I was broke at the time and now I have the money but can't remember what site I found it in or what I typed in google to find the site. I'm pretty artistic and I feel that adding my personal touch to such a personal book would be wonderful. Any ideas where to find this stuff at? Thanks in advance for your help.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago