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  • Why is it that if women find a man unattractive, they often label him "gay"?

    The obvious question is "If a woman finds a man unattractive, how does her lack of attraction toward him mean that HE is gay?" Can someone explain this woman logic to me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What do you call a request with such narrowly defined parameters that the request is impossible?

    What is the name for a request which has such narrowly defined parameters that the request is impossible to fulfill? More specifically, in a debate, what is the name given to the request when an opponent demands a certain proof be given, and the only proof he considers admissible is defined so specifically or narrowly that it is impossible to provide that proof. Even compelling evidence is dismissed because it is not what is specifically demanded.

    3 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • What is the name of the fallacy which involves making numerous accusations?

    What is the name for the fallacy which involves making numerous accusations in order to imply that the accusations must be true simply because there are so many of them?

    2 AnswersOther - Science8 years ago
  • What are the effects of throat singing or throat chanting?

    Certain Buddhist sects practice their mantras using very deep tones generated in the throat. From what I understand, the very low frequency vibrations generated induce particular mental states during the meditation practice. What are the mental states induced? What is the intended purpose? What are the effects? If possible, please provide links to resources with instructions explaining how the meditation is performed and what the purpose and effects are.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Jews preferentially, please, how would I go about learning Judaism?

    I've tried learning from books, internet articles, and videos. But for quite some time I've tossed around the idea of maybe visiting a synagogue. I'm a devout practicing Catholic, and I have no intention of converting, but I have a real appreciation for Judaism and a genuine interest in learning and understanding it from the inside. If I were to make a phone call to the nearest Orthodox synagogue, for example, or maybe visit, what would they make of me? What's your advice?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If the Trinity is of pagan origin, what is the evidence?

    I keep seeing people make the claim that the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is of pagan origin, but I've never seen anyone actually provide any real evidence of this. I've been unable to find a trinity in Egyptian, Hindu, Babylonian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, or other religions - all of which have been variously named by various people who make this claim. So I'm asking anyone who claims that the Trinity is of pagan origin to clearly articulate specifically where it came from, what religion, what the tenets of the originating religion specifically were regarding their trinity, and exactly how this pagan belief became the basis of the Christian doctrine of God. Demonstrate a clear causal relationship. Provide hyperlinks to reliable sources. In other words, I want some truly convincing evidence.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is it just for a school to give detention to a small child because her parent failed to take her to school?

    Schools usually discipline students for excessive unexcused tardies and/or absences from school. Small children are not responsible for their transportation to school. They rely on their parents to get them to school on time. So how is it justifiable that a school will give detention as punishment (or any other punishment, for that matter) to a kindergartener or other young child because of the parent's irresponsible behavior?

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Parents, what children's television show theme song gets stuck in your head?

    For me, it usually seems to be the Bob the Builder theme song, but pretty much any of the Veggie Tales silly songs tend to get lodged in my brain too.

    7 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What would you think if someone arrived at a Halloween costume party nude but in full body paint?

    The people at the party would all be around the age of 30, more or less, and the person would be fully nude but decorated in body paint from head to toe so that, if done well, it would be hard or impossible to even tell they're nude unless you look really closely.

    How would you react? Would you think it's a good idea or bad idea? Would the person's age or gender matter? And if someone did decide to do this, what do you think would be a good idea for a body paint design?

    16 AnswersHalloween9 years ago
  • Ladies only: Would you set up one of your female friends with one of your male friends if he asked you to?

    I'm 34. I've never been married, and I haven't even dated anyone in a little over 6 1/2 years. I admit that I'm introverted and honestly a bit awkward socially - at least with people I don't know well already. I also admit that I'm a bit of a homebody, but it's not like I never leave the house. I go to church every Sunday and Wednesday, and sometimes I visit other nearby churches besides the one I normally attend. Other than that, the main places I go to are work, the grocery store, and the library. Sometimes I'll go to these places or book stores, for example, not because I need or want to but just to get out of the house and increase my chances of meeting single women. I really do not like or want to do the club/bar scene. But my experience, even during very busy times in public like Friday or Saturday nights, is that most of the unmarried females I encounter are too young for me - i.e. teenagers - or they are much older than me or are already married. So in short, other difficulties aside, I find it hard to even find single women in their 20s or early 30s. I live in a suburb near Birmingham, Alabama, if that helps give an idea of the demographic I'm dealing with.

    So I recently decided I needed some help and sent Facebook IMs to a whole bunch of my female friends (a very few of them relatives) since I figured that was the quickest way to contact a lot of people. The people I asked range from the age of early 20s to late 30s. I simply asked if they knew any single females they could introduce me to. Though not everyone I messaged has replied yet, many have, and I pretty much get the exact same reply from every one of them: "No. All of my friends are married or in relationships." Some will add something to the effect of "But I'll keep you in mind if I find/think of anyone." One friend could think of one single friend, and it turned out to be someone I dated for a short time about a decade ago. My half-sister's answer was that she knew some single women but that they all had serious issues so she wouldn't really recommend them to me. One friend who lives out of town said that she knew some single women but she pointed out that they were all near her, and so it would be a long-distance relationship if she introduced me to anyone (so far this is the most positive answer I've gotten).

    I provide all that background info to ask the following. I just am having a hard time believing that out of all the people I've asked, none of them know any single females. Perhaps it's simply that I don't want it to be true, but it does seem to fit with my own experience that all the women I meet are married or in relationships already - even the ones too young for me. But my question is this: Is it possible that my female friends actually do know available girls but don't want to introduce them to me? Is there some kind of unspoken female rule that you don't fix your male friends up with your female friends? Should I take these replies at face value, or is there something else going on that they're not telling me which I don't understand?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • After completing a spreadsheet in Open Office, I realize I need to double space the rows. How do I do this?

    Using Open Office, I made a spreadsheet for my mother with people's names, addresses, telephone numbers, and birthdays in each row. After I finished, she told me it looked okay but she wants it to be double spaced. I suppose I could insert an empty row between each existing row in order to do this, but there are 115 entries on this list, and it would be very tedious to do this by hand. Is there some easy, automatic way to insert an empty row between each existing row or to at least cause it to print out double spaced?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago