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  • what does active now on FB messageer mean,and if it is on constantly what does that mean?

    I noticed that a person on FB messageer always has an active now under her name. Is that because she is messaging or is on FB itself?

    2 AnswersFacebook6 years ago
  • Mayor Mia Love (R)?.....?

    A riseing star for sure in the republican party. She is breath taking in every way. Your thoughts,especially liberals? I would love to hear your negitive spin

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Falling skys fans what do you think?

    Do you think the new allians are friendly or fo's? What do think season three will be about?

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop9 years ago
  • Obama is really showing his true identity.?

    Goverment is the answer to everything. The rich are bad Romney is a fellon and knows nothing and he out sources. If you want to go for the american dream and work hard to make alot of money you will not pay your fair share. Oh and sombody else will get you there. Hope and change? He is showing his true nature as a hard line socialist/commy. And there are millions that follow him and will defend him to the end. Are you one?

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • The libs once again smearing with lies and complete willful ignorance.?

    They have always stooped to low dirty untrue tacticts,but does this most recent one break there threshold of low dirty tactics? "Romney is either a fellon or a liar because his name was on an ftc document after 1999 when he left to run the olympacs" Somehow wanting you to think he broke ftc laws. Fact is he was gone in 99 from bains and just because his name may have been listed as him being ceo for some time afterwards means nothing..that practice is done by companys all the time. Also it is a long process to totally remove the name. So to call the man a fellon and to have all liberals line up behind it,is that just pure desperation from liberals that just can't back obama's rotten record and background?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Yet again someone or a few people on y/a did not like a perfectly fine question.?

    So the question was deleted. It was a question about obama's election bid running on lies. It has been appealed and is expected to be reposted.So are these people so anti freedom of speach. Or just hate anyone that is opposed to obama? I have been seeing a lot of that everywhere.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • 08"If you make 250 thousand or less you willl not pay one dime more in taxes" ?

    "the mandate health care is not a tax" The scotus just ruled it is a tax yet obama is insisting it is not. How do liberals and his followers continue to blindly believe in this man?? Is it willfull ignorance or stupididy? Liberals you can spin any way you want,it is a tax another lie from obama.

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Just got a leather couch And chair. It stinks so bad..?

    It was free and I took it because I just moved in to my new clean apartment and needed furniture. I discovered shortly after getting it that they are covered in cat urin smell.they stink so I want to try and get the smell out. HOW? Any good ways to do it? If I can't they have to go. A hundred and fifty bucks to have them taken away. So please help.........

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • If obamacare is upheld..?

    You will not have to proove who you are ( voting ) but you will have proove you have insurance or be punished. If you want to live in a country forceing you to submit to the goverments will from birth to death you do not want to live free. All you people that are pro obamacare remember this. In 014 whewn it kicks in fully, if the goverment thinks you can afford it you pay for it. If you don't your fined. You could even go to jail. There goes your fancy coffees and anything else you may have to give you really want the goverment useing this same law,if upheld to open other doors to control you? What if a few years from now under this law,your told to stop eating red meat because it is not healthy and thus makes people sick and drives up insurance costs. If you eat it you fined. Can't pay it go to jail. That is just what the commerce clause will do if obama gets his it what you want.? Do you really.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • My friends new girlfriend won't shut up.?

    She talks and talks and talks. Her high pitched voice cuts through your head after a while. She can get so loud the dog barks. Now you might say just don't be around her. Well I am currently in a lease with my friend where we live. He has her over all the time some times even when he's not home. Then she talks and talks on the phone. I Have stepped up not hanging there as much. It's my home I told my friend I have problems with her but he says he doesn't care because she is greater than great in the sack.I don't care. She won't shut the **** up. Talk argue laugh at extreme noise levels. What to do? I can't break the lease. she won't shut up!

    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • I wonder what might happen if a radical OWS person won the whole 650 mil alone? ?

    Do you think he would stop protesting,now that he is in the so called one percent.?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Obama believes the state lotterys are unfair. ?

    He stated in a radio interview in 07 that it is being used by the middel class and upper middle class.That the poor are unable to buy into it.So does he want to give the poor money to buy tickets? Or is this another one of his ( dam I didn't think about that one ) teachable moments?The lottery does generate tax to help the poor. Liberals I know your going to defend him,just do it please with out ignorance and hate slames...

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • Google Paul Harveys 1965 broadcast "If I were the devil"?

    Listen to it or read the text version. If you have allready, tell me if he was not on the money about todays sociaty?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Seventeen minutes of pure bullcrap. ?

    That seventeen minute re~election propergander crap that liberal hollywood put together with lies mixed in with peices of truth,is just that. Liberals will believe it obviousily. Will it make you independents or non comitted want to vote for this guy?

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Obama "Rutherford B Hayes said the phone is nice but who would use it"?

    Fact: president Hayes never said that and was the first president to have it installed in the white house. Did his telerprompters stop working? Wonder what the left would be doing if one of the rebublican running said that?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • True event you can believe it or not.?

    I was at the food marked this morning to pick up a few things. A A woman was in front of me finishing up. She had quite a bit of food. I noticed she paid with a food a stamp card. No problem her kids and her have to eat no matter what. What really bothered me was the checker and bagger were talking about how much they loved obama and the rebublicans need to get out of the way they just hurt people,you know the liberal chatter. They obviosley were liberals. Yet after the woman left they starting talking behind her back about how they would like to spent hundreds of dollars for food that is free. And how they coulden't believe how much she had and the things she bought. One of them even said "that's the screwy goverment".....Does that not make you feel just how hypicritcal liberals are? I'm not saying all them are just most of them....

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Our military is getting there medical benifits amoung other things cut.?

    ybut yet the obama administration will give illegals free abortions Free trans gender treatments amoung so many other free ( at tax payers expense) treatments. They are illegal broke our laws and get what our own military citizens can not get. Our military is getting cuts like never before to save money. I'm not saying our military should be getting trans gender treatments,it's the point of the whole policy. So is obama once again putting his radical social policys ahead of americas true needs? I think he is.I do expect to get WIFL's answers. This is a serious matter.

    3 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Millitary gay group looking for yet more rights?

    They have all the rights now equal to that of there piers. Washington Times artical reporting. What do you think? Did obama open another can of worms?

    12 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • My son was arrested for domestic assault but case was dissmissed in pre trial. ?

    He has never been arrested convicted before this. So dose he have a record now that can prevent him from getting a job or apartment?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago