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  • How many naps does/did your six month old take?

    At six months, did you still follow a three nap routine? Already moved to two naps? Or did it vary from day to day?

    What about the length of naps?

    I'm just trying to get some ideas as to what other babies my child's age are doing.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How strict is your baby's schedule?

    I was just curious about the different schedules or routines babies around my son's age follows..

    He is six months old and we have more of a "routine" than a schedule. To even get to the point of having a routine is good for his father and me because we are so accustomed to being rather unstructured and spontaneous.

    He always gets up between 6 and 7 in the morning but I don't pinpoint it down to a specific time.. just whenever he wakes up. We have 3 naps a day (making the transition to two right now) and they are "around" the same times everyday (within an hour or so) but vary in lengths. Sometimes he'll only sleep 45 minutes while other times he'll sleep 2 hours.. generally though, he has his long naps and short naps at the same times each day..

    He gets 5 bottles a day, one to start the day, one after each nap, and one before bed, and he gets 3 solid meals as well. But, as with the naps.. the times can vary up to an hour or so from day to day..

    He has a regular bedtime routine routine, with a bath, stories, etc.. but his bedtime varies by 30 minutes or so most nights but on nights we have church, dinner out, obligations, etc. it can be up to an hour or two late.

    Do you think that the lack of a strict schedule will hurt him? He seems happy.. and is really a good baby.. but I hear from some people that I should have more "set" times for him to eat, sleep, play .. etc..

    So, what is your routine?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Six Month Old rubbing eyes while asleep?

    so.. I'm watching Aiden in the baby monitor and he is rubbing his eyes SO MUCH while he sleeps.. anyone else's baby do this.. or have any idea why he might be doing it?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to stop comparing babies?

    A good friend of mine has a daughter that was born two days after my son. They are both about to turn 6 months old the 2nd week of April.

    I love my baby, and I know that he is developing fine, but I just can't stop comparing him to my friend's little girl..

    He can basically turn from tummy to back easily, can almost sit up while supporting himself on his arms, he reaches for and grabs toys easily and can pass them from hand to hand.. but she is SO far ahead of him it worries me sometimes.

    She can roll multiple times across the floor, she can sit unassisted, and she seems to be attempting to crawl.

    I guess I just would like people's experience with this type of situation, and kind of an idea of when your baby hit these milestones.

    She never brags or puts my baby down.. Its really just all me, but sometimes it gets to me... I don't know why though.


    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby weight percentile dropped?

    I just got home from my baby boy's 4 month checkup and I realized that his weight has dropped from the 66th percentile at his 2 month checkup, to 50th percentile today.

    The doctor was not worried about him, but he's been getting distracted while nursing and not nursing for as long, so I'm a bit worried.

    This happen to anyone else? Does it usually correct itself?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 3 months old, suddenly has sleep problems?

    from the time my baby boy was a month old, he slept 6 hours straight at night, ate, then went right back to sleep for another 2 or 3 hours. However when he reached about 11 or 12 weeks old, he changed his sleeping habits.

    He now wakes frequently throughout the night, not hungry, not wanting to play, just waking grumpily and wanting you to comfort him, give him a paci, etc. He still only wants to eat once during the night, and if I try nursing him, he refuses.

    He is also fighting sleep during the day. I am careful to look for sleep signs, and when he starts acting sleepy, I try to rock him to sleep, but as soon as we sit down, he screams.. he will fight sleep for an hour, and even when he does fall asleep, he wakes and cries as soon as I lay him in his bed.

    The only place he will really sleep during the day is his carseat. I have to get him out for a ride and then come back home and he"ll sleep in the carseat for an hour or two.

    This is making for a really grumpy baby and a really desperate and sleep deprived mommy.

    Any suggestions. He is now 14 weeks and nothing has changed in the last 2 or 3 weeks.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When was the first time you left your baby?

    My husband and I are season ticket holders for Auburn football games. I made it to the first two home games this season, as I was 34 and 35 weeks along then, but did not make it to the last two home games.. I'm just too pregnant to do the all the walking and the climb up the ramp.

    However, the big rivalry game (AU/UA) will be the Friday after Thanksgiving. If my baby comes at least on time, he'll be 6 weeks old.

    My mother in law wants to stay with him while my husband and I go to that game if I feel up to it, my question is.. is six weeks to young to leave him with his grandmother for that long.

    We would probably be gone from around 11 AM to 6:30 or 7 PM... not an overnight trip for us.

    When was the first time you left your baby with a relative or baby sitter? Is six weeks too young? If I'm breastfeeding, would I have to pump while I was at the game?

    Thanks so much.. first time mom here!

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Stay at Home Mom Pumping Question?

    When my little boy is about 6 weeks old, i will have to leave him with his Grandmother for around 7 or 8 hours. I will be breastfeeding, and do not work, so this will really be my first time having to pump while I'm away from him.

    How often will I need to pump?

    Also, about how much will I need to leave with her for the time I am gone?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • cramping in late pregnancy?

    Starting at around 10:30 last night, I've had period like cramps that start in my lower stomach and back and kind of radiate out. It would be severe for a minute or two and then subside to a dull ache. The ache would never completely go away, but I'd have the sharper pains anywhere from once every hour to hour and a half. This continued until around 6:00 this morning, when I was finally able to get some rest. It's now 1:15 in the afternoon and the dull ache is still there.

    Anyone know what this is.. I know it's not labor as it's not consistent, but I don't really think its Braxton Hicks either.

    BTW, I'm 36 weeks and 4 days, and I haven't had any trouble so far with the pregnancy.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • worried for no reason?

    I am 16 weeks pregnant and go back to the doctor for my regular check up on Thursday of next week.

    For some reason I've been extremely worried that when we go, I'll find out there is something wrong with the baby.

    The thing that runs through my mind the most is that, they won't be able to find the heartbeat...

    I have no real reason for my worries.. all of my checkups have gone great, I've not had any pain or bleeding, I'm still getting a bit of morning sickness off and on.. I'm still gaining weight.

    For some reason, I just worry about it often. Anyone else go though this, and have healthy babies...

    It couldn't be my body telling me that something's wrong.. could it? I know that sounds silly.. but I just think about it so often.. I've even dreamed about it...

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • traveling while in 3rd trimester?

    This is my first baby.

    My husband and I are season ticket holders for Auburn Football, and the home games are about a couple hours by car from where we live.

    I will be 34 weeks pregnant come the first game.. is it possible that I will be able to attend any of the games this year?

    I know I won't be able to make the ones near my due date, but as I've never been pregnant, I didn't know if it was reasonable to think I might make the first couple of games...

    At 34 or 35 weeks pregnant, do you really feel like sitting through a whole football game? (I really enjoy football, so generally it's not a chore for me)

    Thanks to anyone with any insight.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Could I be miscalculating how "far along" I am...?

    My last cycle started on 1/8.. and I took a pregnancy test on 2/7 around 5 or 6 in the evening..

    I should have only been around 4 weeks along at that time, so if I was going to get a positive, I thought it would be faint.

    Instead, this is what I got...

    VERY obvious positives.

    Is it possible that I am further along than I am thinking.. I think I am at about 8 weeks now and have my first doctor's appointment Tuesday.. but I'm already feeling like I'm gaining weight and everything seems to be progressing very quickly... is this normal?

    I wouldn't be upset to find out that I am further along.. we are so excited about meeting this baby!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Baby name using family names?

    We are due in October and have been thinking about using family names.. we are pretty set on the girl name..

    Lillian Dell Pierce (Lilly)

    Lillian after my grandmother, Dell after his.

    We are still thinking about boy names, though.. my maiden name is Taylor so we were thinking of using it.. something like..

    Taylor Lee Pierce

    Lee is my Father's middle name.

    What do you think?

    15 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • 8 weeks pregnant, 1st doctor's visit?

    So, I just went into the OBGYN yesterday morning to confirm that I was pregnant, and I set up my first appointment on March 10th. I should be around 8 weeks at that point. What should I expect from my first visit?

    Will they do an ultrasound?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Allergies during pregnancy?

    Has anyone else suffered with allergy problems during their pregnancy? I am about 4.5 weeks pregnant and my allergies are worse than they have EVER been.. my poor nose is raw! lol.

    Anyone else experience this, anything that helps that doesn't hurt the baby.

    This is our first and we are trying to be "oh so careful" :)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • A little poll for the married women of GWS?

    Did you include the word "obey" in your wedding vows?

    (i.e. "Honor and Obey" for the wife and "Honor and Cherish" for the husband)

    I was under the impression that nobody really used obey anymore, but a coworker of mine brought me her vows to read (she's getting married 1/31) and it had her saying "honor and obey".

    So now I'm curious as to everyone's opinion on the issue.

    17 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Did you use "obey" in your wedding vows?

    Just a quick survey. Did you / will you use "honor and obey" in the bride's vows in your wedding?

    I didn't think anyone did that now, but a girl I work with just brought me her vows to read and she's planning on using it.

    I'm just curious as to how many people still think this is okay.

    19 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What ever happened to the GWS Chat?

    I used to be quite a regular of both GWS and the GWS chat room.

    I was gone for a couple of months while I prepared for my wedding and honeymoon and now that I'm back.. it looks like the room has been hacked.

    When did this happen?

    Is there a new place to chat?

    3 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • The right short hairstyle for me.?

    I'm looking to cut my hair short.. I wore is short a few years ago and want to try it again.

    I have a roundish face and thick curly hair. What do you think would be a good style for me.

    I have no problem using a flat iron, but don't want to completely go without my curls, so I need something that will look good both ways.

    Please include a picture as reference! Thanks

    Here are some pictures of me to use as reference:

    Thanks so much!!

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How long is too long to put off Wisdom Teeth...?

    I'm getting married this Saturday (12/13) and over the past 2 days I have noticed that I have been having a little pain/sensitivity on the left side of my jaw where my wisdom teeth should be.. I can put my finger back there and can't feel anything breaking the skin.. it's just a little tight. (on top and bottom, but moreso on the top)

    I really don't want to have an operation the week of my wedding and ruin everything.. and also.. we have a great honeymoon scheduled for the following week that we have already paid around 6 thousand dollars for...

    Right now it's only a bit uncomfortable.. and as long as I chew on the other sided.. or higher up on that side.. it doesn't really "hurt".

    can I put this off until I return from our honeymoon?

    Also, I've recently had an viral infection in my throat that caused some sores in my mouth.. and that's when this started.. could it be that this just irritated the areas back there and after all of the infection is gone (I'm on meds) that it'll calm down?

    Thanks so much for your help!

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago