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  • I feel like I am trapped with my situation.?

    Hello everyone,

    this is a long post but please read on.I am a type 1 diabetic(for 16 years) control isn't great..mostly hyperglycemia.There are several reasons why my control is terrible but I cannot seem to solve them.(I do realise the serious consequences of bad diabetic control.).Problem number 1-I eat way too much food-I reckon I binge eat,but I feel very hungry a lot of the time..I distract myself drink water and wait if I have eaten just a short while ago but the hunger is so strong I end up eating.But when I have finished eating and I am no longer hungry I cannot stop myself!.There are also other times when I emotional eat-usually bad foods like chocolate biscuits take aways...the ironic thing is I often feel down as my diabetes is controlling me but binge eating is making it worse.I guess you are probably thinking why don't I get help but I did last year and it didn't help me at all.I was on medication 40mg of prozac and attending a psycotherapist once a week for 3 months and I continued to binge eat and they were aware of this.To make matters worse I suffer from diabulimia-I skip my insulin so my body does not absorb the food and I loose weight.I know this is terrible.I have no energy at all..I cannot wake up in the morning..I feel weapy and lethargic all day.I feel like I cannot be helped...when I decide I will get back on track and I eat lowcarb I feel faint and I am just as useless....I feel like I cannot be helped....I need to take my insulin but I do not want to blow up...I really want to stop binging but it is like a demon in my brain...should I try hypnotherapy..any suggestions??Please don't lecture me

    1 AnswerAlternative Medicine9 years ago
  • What can I do?Please read this.?

    Hello everyone,

    this is a long post but please read on.I am a type 1 diabetic(for 16 years) control isn't great..mostly hyperglycemia.There are several reasons why my control is terrible but I cannot seem to solve them.(I do realise the serious consequences of bad diabetic control.).Problem number 1-I eat way too much food-I reckon I binge eat,but I feel very hungry a lot of the time..I distract myself drink water and wait if I have eaten just a short while ago but the hunger is so strong I end up eating.But when I have finished eating and I am no longer hungry I cannot stop myself!.There are also other times when I emotional eat-usually bad foods like chocolate biscuits take aways...the ironic thing is I often feel down as my diabetes is controlling me but binge eating is making it worse.I guess you are probably thinking why don't I get help but I did last year and it didn't help me at all.I was on medication 40mg of prozac and attending a psycotherapist once a week for 3 months and I continued to binge eat and they were aware of this.To make matters worse I suffer from diabulimia-I skip my insulin so my body does not absorb the food and I loose weight.I know this is terrible.I have no energy at all..I cannot wake up in the morning..I feel weapy and lethargic all day.I feel like I cannot be helped...when I decide I will get back on track and I eat lowcarb I feel faint and I am just as useless....I feel like I cannot be helped....I need to take my insulin but I do not want to blow up...I really want to stop binging but it is like a demon in my brain...should I try hypnotherapy..any suggestions??Please don't lecture meI was thinking about taking up smoking as I think this will curb my appetite,

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Would really appreciate advice!?

    I'm a first year physiotherapy student and I have been very unwell for the past 10 weeks.I now have exams coming up.I have no prep done and I didnt make it to the majority of my lectures.I feel I should defer my exams and focus on getting better but I feel like a failure if I do that.What would you do?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Please dispell this for me!!!?

    I am a type 1 diabetic on the insulin pump and I need to loose weight...I am going to do this by limiting my carbs and exercising.My doctor told me to go on a temporary basal rate or suspend my pump for an hour before during and for a half hour afterwards to avoid hypos.I usally run on the treadmill for 30 minutes cycle for 10 and lift weights for 10 minutes.The thing is I have been suspending my oumo and I still have low blood sugars I have to eat to bring that back up and Im obviosly not losing weight doing this!So I decided I obviosly needed some carbs to raise my blood glucose so I ate a large apple and orange and suspended my pump and I still went lo...not as lo but still!!Am I really different??I hear about didabeteics that exercise while on lo carb diets...How is this possible.Just to let ye know when I eat my two fruits and suspend my pump my pre exercise number is usally 342 and when I finish I am 54...I am considering eating athird fruit but will all the fruit stop weight loss!!This is REALLY annoying me please if you know what to do give me some advice!Thank you.

    2 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • This is such a mess:?

    Im a fresher(physiotherapy student) and Im a type 1 diabetic on the insulin pump.I have been inding college very difficult both accademically and managing my diabetes.I seem to have high blood sugars alot..the huge problem is when I have high blood sugars I get sooo hungry and very strong cravings(feels like i havent eaten in ages even i it ws like 2 hrs ago!)I always drink water wen this happens or try diet coke or chew gum or eat carrot sticks bt this doesnt satisfy me..the hunger pangs r horrible.I cant study wen i feel this hunger so i usally eat and end up with high blood sugars again!Im gaianing so much weight even though i am going to the gym for an hr a day...gaining weight is making me nt wnt to go out with my friends and I have missed several lectures as i have slept past my alarm from sheer exhaustion.I am also emotionally drained I cry almost every day.My diabetes is out o control I am so far behind in my studies and i am fat and ugly.I have a diabetic appointment on thursday amd this is really stressing me out as I know my results will be terrible.

    ps.Today I ate my lunch pitta bread and tuna an apple and a low fat yogurt..I then went to the gym or an bg was high afterwards and I wa ssoooo hungry so I ate an aorange and another slice of bread!

    5 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • can I avoid the insulin related weight gain?

    What would you do if you were in my situation?

    What would you do if you were in my situation??

    I have type 1 diabetes and I have not been controling it very well over the last month and have consequently lost weight,I know this is terrible saying this but I have never felt so good about myself...I finally have a positive self image.I have just started college and due tomy uncontrolled diabetes I am not sleeping mad cannot study or concentrate in lectures!I realise I need to get my blood glucose under control asap.I am TERRIFIED of gaining weight and being labelled as the fat girl.I will lose all my confidence.Is there anyway to regain control through increasing insulin and avoiding weight gain??I will eat healthily and exercise.

    Ps.I do realise the complications involved with poor diabetic control.

    Please please help me if you can as I feel like life is not worth while.i


    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What would you do if you were in my situation?

    What would you do if you were in my situation??

    I have type 1 diabetes and I have not been controling it very well over the last month and have consequently lost weight,I know this is terrible saying this but I have never felt so good about myself...I finally have a positive self image.I have just started college and due tomy uncontrolled diabetes I am not sleeping mad cannot study or concentrate in lectures!I realise I need to get my blood glucose under control asap.I am TERRIFIED of gaining weight and being labelled as the fat girl.I will lose all my confidence.Is there anyway to regain control through increasing insulin and avoiding weight gain??I will eat healthily and exercise.

    Ps.I do realise the complications involved with poor diabetic control.

    Please please help me if you can as I feel like life is not worth while.i

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Can you loose weight without ......?

    Can you loose weight without ......?

    Feeling dizzy or really hungry...?Nd how cos wenever I cut dwn on carbs I feel soo weak I cant do anything!?????

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Can you loose weight without ......?

    Feeling dizzy or really hungry...?Nd how cos wenever I cut dwn on carbs I feel soo weak I cant do anything!?????

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Is it medically possible to......?

    Is it medically possible to......?

    Reduce my hba1c by 1-2% if I am improving my sugar levels while exercising and eating healthy?Please only answer if you have experience in this area!Thank you.How do other diabetics loose weight safely?xx

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is it medically possible to......?

    Reduce my hba1c by 1-2% if I am improving my sugar levels while exercising and eating healthy?Please only answer if you have experience in this area!Thank you.How do other diabetics loose weight safely?xx

    3 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Is it medically possible to......?

    Reduce my hba1c by 1-2% if I am improving my sugar levels while exercising and eating healthy?Please only answer if you have experience in this area!Thank you.How do other diabetics loose weight safely?xx

    1 AnswerMedicine1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else suffer lo energy levels.....?

    ctd...when they try a lo carb diet.If so how long does it take to adjust to this feeling?When I say lo carb I am eating 60g of carbs a day.I am attpe 1 diabetic on insulin pump and whi;e my bg are lower thay are not too low.

    1 AnswerDiabetes1 decade ago
  • free video downloads for ipod?

    I hate having to pay so much to get a video from itunes is there any website I can use to get the videos for free?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • type 1 diabetes and weight gain?

    I have decided that I need to loose weight as I feel I have become insulin insensitive.I have also decided I will be doing this slowly and healthily.I understand there is a relationship between large amounts of insulin and weight gain.So if I reduce my carbs and therfore my insulin and do exercise to furher reduce my insulin needs will I loose weight?Also if I was having a snack what is better an apple or lean protien as the apple would require more insulin....will I have to reduce my fruit intake to loose weight?Im sorry about all the questions I am just so confused.Perhaps everything I am saying is wrong!xxx

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • type 1 diabetes and weight loss?

    I have decided that I need to loose weight as I feel I have become insulin insensitive.I have also decided I will be doing this slowly and healthily.I understand there is a relationship between large amounts of insulin and weight gain.So if I reduce my carbs and therfore my insulin and do exercise to furher reduce my insulin needs will I loose weight?Also if I was having a snack what is better an apple or lean protien as the apple would require more insulin....will I have to reduce my fruit intake to loose weight?Im sorry about all the questions I am just so confused.Perhaps everything I am saying is wrong!xxx

    21 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • How can a type 1 insulin diabetic loose weight safely?

    Im on the insulin oump and have gained lots of weight recently although I have been exercising and eating healthily.I realise I must cut down on my oinsulin to loose weight but when i eat lo carb Im lo in energy...what are my solutions??Please only positive suggestions!!!xxx

    41 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • bit confused................................................?

    Im on an insulin pump and want to test my basal for the morning if I eat eggs and bacon for breakfast and dont bolus as there is no carbs should I expect level bg if my basal is correct?Please only answer if you have experience with this.

    3 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • best breakfast for type 1diabetic.?

    My sugars always spike after breakfast and my doc recommended I ditch the cereal and eat eggs and 1slice of toast but my sugars are still spiking.....any advice??What do ye guys eat??

    4 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • Need help.............carb counting!!!!?

    Im on an insulin pump and decided to have 2 eggs for breakfast and not give any insulin and my bg went off the you have to give insulin if your meal has no carbs in it?

    1 AnswerDiabetes1 decade ago