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Feel free to ask me anything if you are intrigued. But, please, leave your Sun and Moon at home. :))

  • What/Which planet would you characterize to this song?

    Now, you can say one or many of them, even the placements in the signs. Which planet is the representative of the song?! :}

    [Example of the metaphors : We can say that Milk = Moon, for an example, but in combination with Capricorn we get Cheese (Old Milk, basically)]

    So, your insight is for my data. Thanks to all participants who took time to listen to the song! :}

    2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • SaggiMC, trolling like a sir or not?

    This was bothering me for some time so I'd appreciate any info regarding the situation.

    I've noticed that SaggiMC is stating things by giving a bunch of websites (for his/hers beneficial) in pretty much all the answers. In a short time the person (or rather a computer bot) came up to the 2nd place as "best answer". That's no wonder, people get satisfied by simplicity easely. Especially when it's in abundance.

    My question is - do you think, know, suggest, claim, believe that SaggiMC is a legit person or, rather a computer bot?!

    If you Google SaggiMC you come upon many forums with deleted content by the username "SaggiMC" which led me to a conclusion that this is a typical selling of the hot water.

    Please, share your oppinions regarding the matter. I'm sure that many people who follow this section are already fed up with such copy/paste behavior.

    6 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Help me to find this song already...?

    There's a song, a PV back in the '90 where a fish would suddenly fly around the people in the town, in the air. It was somewhat pop song, used to be on tv all the time back in the days. However I forgot the name of the song. If anyone knows please make suggestions. So, tag is FLYING FISH in a music video. Maybe it's from some movie, I'm not sure. I've been trying to find this for the past four years.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • There is a possibility of the World War 3?!?

    The aspects are quite not good. Especially now when the Neptune came into the Pisces. The year 2017. is the worst. I'd say "pray" but I'm not sure whether that's just Neptune out of me.

    Civil war in the western parts of the U.S. and even a great disaster such as Earthquake. Preceding the Earthquake there will be a lot of "noise" which suggest the movements of the tectonic activity, usually it's a sound of the strong metal/iron value of such intensity that it'll even vibrate trough the people.

    Another prediction suggest that there're going to be even more fanatics who like to talk about the judgement day or such, however the Neptune, the "illusion one", will make you think like that. also, Neptune in Pisces brings a very, very cold weather for over some time (around 9 to 10 years or so).

    WW 3 starts with Iran or, rather parts of the Syria.

    U.S. will bankrupt gradually, 2nd house in the Capricorn and the Saturn is on the 22nd degree (Again, Capricorn degree) making a square with the Moon (people / Moon - without /square - money / Capricorn, Saturn). Without the money there're going to be some very harsh revolutions in the system of the U.S.

    Also, Saturn on the 22nd degree will represent even the last possible president of the U.S. and this is no joke. Such an aspect in astrological sense means even the possible murder or violent replacement from the president to the vice-president.

    For astrologers, why do I think so? Well, here's the example of why it's so bad

    Ruler of the 10th house is the Venus on the 8th degree (murder) with conjunction to Pluto on the 8th degree (again, murder, death) in the 12th house meaning an attempt of the murder with the chance of survive ability.

    Also, a huge possibility that someone from the Belmont, MA will be the next president or some key role, however since the person lives in three-four different positions it's hard to see for me.

    Also, bare in mind that A LOT of divorces will be held during this time of Uranus in Aries.

    Bare in mind that all of this is strictly astrological and that it all depends upon my ability to "see" the future, which is by no means my profession, more of an hobby. This is a discussion for ASTROLOGERS, for them to share their opinions regarding the matter.

    7 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What do you think about this song...?

    Listen to this song and tell me what you think as well as what's your sign and Rising! :] Thank you

    6 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • ♣♫♪♫♪ There IS NO change in zodiac, care to read ♫♪♫♫♣?

    Yes, I can explain it to you since I'm an astrologer. This is a requirement since many of you are being involved into what's known as "TWITTER SNOWBALL EFFECT".

    Here are some facts from me, an astrologer.

    - Astrology is not astronomy. An astronomer can't decide about changes in Zodiac. If people did actually tried to learn about what's going on they would find that even the person who said that "astrologers are not valid anymore" never mentioned anything about actually adding a new Zodiac sign.

    - Zodiac is not connected to constellations proportionally. That means that signs are divided by Earth equinox, instead the position of the stars. Aries starts exactly same each year and it's all based upon 365 days of our Earth going around the Sun. Sign of Aries starts exactly on Spring Equinox.

    - Zodiac CAN'T CHANGE the number of 12 since it's based upon Four Elements. That's why there're Fire, Air, Earth and Water signs and EACH OF THEM are divided by the number of three (similar to three aggregate states).

    - It's just a rumor that started by some stupid people who don't even know how to properly read before making an elephant of a fly. Don't buy into talking of people who're not astrologers!

    - Astrology is not "daily horoscopes". Daily horoscopes are not connected with astrology and they represent a global disease of stupidity involved. heck, the reason why the horoscopes section is here is because it's considered to be "fun" lol

    Daily horoscopes are greatly despised by both Scientists as well as Astrologers alike.

    - If you have anything else to ask, feel free. The involvement and such a boom that happened yesterday is seriously irrelevant and utterly amazing to see how people are being superficial about it. There's no change nor there ever will be change.

    - Also, sideral a.k.a eastern house system of the Zodiac also doesn't take the sign of Ophiuchus as a concerned factor in astrology. Actually, nobody does expect some people who don't even know what decans are. So don't buy into anything before you adequately research it. That's one of my paroles :}

    Anyway, there's no new or old astrology, there's only one astrology that resembles as truthful and it's exactly the one that's tropical. I've researched other ones which never ever showed as much reinsurance as tropical house system showed. Actually, there's even no Sideral or Tropical Zodiac, those are only house systems which are different. Zodiac Isn't changeable in both Sideral and/or Tropical house systems! : )

    - There's only ONE true astrology and it's what's today popularly known as Tropical Zodiac house system based astrology which originated from Mesopotamian area and it's name given by the citizens of Ancient Rome. One of the first teachers of astrology were Kalidei (Children of the Stars) who were Mesopotamian priests in that time. Name of Western Astrology is used simply because of the same media publicity and is taken as something usual (something similar to "I can has cheezeburger" or "It's over 9000").

    Stick with the tropical house system and to adequately conclude your Zodiac sign I suggest program called World of Wisdom, trial version :]

    And, please, don't read newspaper horoscopes - those aren't horoscopes at all, all just media crap that's meant for mere fun.

    Best regards to all those with common sense.

    5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • FALSE - New Zodiac Sign. Do you actually believe?

    Yes, I can explain it to you since I'm an astrologer. This is a requirement since many of you are being involved into what's known as "TWITTER SNOWBALL EFFECT".

    Here are some facts from me, an astrologer.

    - Astrology is not astronomy. An astronomer can't decide about changes in Zodiac. If people did actually tried to learn about what's going on they would find that even the person who said that "astrologers are not valid anymore" never mentioned anything about actually adding a new Zodiac sign.

    - Zodiac is not connected to constellations proportionally. That means that signs are divided by Earth equinox, instead the position of the stars. Aries starts exactly same each year and it's all based upon 365 days of our Earth going around the Sun. Sign of Aries starts exactly on Spring Equinox.

    - Zodiac CAN'T CHANGE the number of 12 since it's based upon Four Elements. That's why there're Fire, Air, Earth and Water signs and EACH OF THEM are divided by the number of three (similar to three aggregate states).

    - It's just a rumor that started by some stupid people who don't even know how to properly read before making an elephant of a fly. Don't buy into talking of people who're not astrologers!

    - Astrology is not "daily horoscopes". Daily horoscopes are not connected with astrology and they represent a global disease of stupidity involved. heck, the reason why the horoscopes section is here is because it's considered to be "fun" lol

    Daily horoscopes are greatly despised by both Scientists as well as Astrologers alike.

    - If you have anything else to ask, feel free. The involvement and such a boom that happened yesterday is seriously irrelevant and utterly amazing to see how people are being superficial about it. There's no change nor there ever will be change.

    - Also, sideral a.k.a eastern house system of the Zodiac also doesn't take the sign of Ophiuchus as a concerned factor in astrology. Actually, nobody does expect some people who don't even know what decans are. So don't buy into anything before you adequately research it. That's one of my paroles :}

    Anyway, there's no new or old astrology, there's only one astrology that resembles as truthful and it's exactly the one that's tropical. I've researched other ones which never ever showed as much reinsurance as tropical house system showed. Actually, there's even no Sideral or Tropical Zodiac, those are only house systems which are different. Zodiac Isn't changeable in both Sideral and/or Tropical house systems! : )

    - There's only ONE true astrology and it's what's today popularly known as Tropical Zodiac house system based astrology which originated from Mesopotamian area and it's name given by the citizens of Ancient Rome. One of the first teachers of astrology were Kalidei (Children of the Stars) who were Mesopotamian priests in that time. Name of Western Astrology is used simply because of the same media publicity and is taken as something usual (something similar to "I can has cheezeburger" or "It's over 9000").

    Stick with the tropical house system and to adequately conclude your Zodiac sign I suggest program called World of Wisdom, trial version :]

    And, please, don't read newspaper horoscopes - those aren't horoscopes at all, all just media crap that's meant for mere fun.

    Best regards to all those with common sense.

    11 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago

    Ophiuchus exists as a constellation, not a Zodiac sign.

    Next to Ophiuchus there're more than 20 constellations that would "fit" in Zodiac, however they don't.

    Instead to be typically stupid, stop believing in everything that you read. The guy who said it is not even an astrologer, he's astronomer. Astrology exists for over several millennial and nothing will be changed considering Zodiac signs since they were never divided by constellations. Before believing in something try to at least learn in properly or ask people WHO DID study it adequately.

    ------> You did not change your Zodiac Sign nor you ever will change it just because some crazyhead astronomer says so and forum posts say that It might affect astrology.

    IT CAN'T AFFECT astrology and stop talking about it already, you;re making idiots out of yourself!

    11 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • New Zodiac? Don't be ridiculous.?

    "Your zodiac sign may not actually be your zodiac sign anymore.

    Astronomer Parke Kunkle says that due to changes in the Earth's alignment the dates of many zodiac signs have changed, according to NBC. In addition, there may be a 13th Zodiac sign: Ophiuchus.

    Kunkle says that as the Earth and Sun slowly move the signs gradually change, as expected.

    The change didn't happen over night either. The 12 signs were designated to different periods of the year almost 3,000 years ago, when astrology began, and since then the Earth's position in relation to the sun has changed.

    While the sign many people were born under may now be different, it shouldn't affect horoscope readings, according to NBC."

    As you may notice we're talking about an Astronomer, here. News about Ophiuchus don't hold any ground at all in both astrological society as well as astrology itself. Why?

    Here are the reasons!

    1. Zodiac was never divided by constellations. It was divided by Earths ecliptic. 360 degrees and Each sign received 30* degrees, respectfully.

    2. Even if it was true, Ophiuchus would fall into either Sagittarius or Scorpio and wouldn't change anything, anything at all.

    3. Zodiac was divided thanks to the elements, however if Zodiac would divide itself based upon constellations nothing would be proportional at all. Each constellation would receive different partition of elliptical degrees, and, furthermore, we're not talking about only 12 constellations but many, many more.

    The question is - Do you trust people who researched astrology and know what they talk about or people who never studied astrology and yet dare to talk about it as they see fit?

    10 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What Do You Think About Astrology?

    Most of people who know a bit about astrology will never accept form of daily horoscopes nor monthly based horoscopes because we (Astrologers) all know that only Natal Char has the right to be called "Horoscope". Astrology itself existed more than a 6.000 B.C. but Kalidei (Messopotamia) made it into existence and started what today we consider "modern astrology", but the truth is that Astrology was always a bunch-full of knowledge that each astrologer passed on to the "next knee" a.k.a generation and since there was never a "same sky" position Astrology always developed itself, slowly but steadily. As there're astrologers who do some research there're also those who call themselves astrologers while making a fusion out of crystals, tarot, numerology and similar things alongside with astrology. That;s highly incorrect and you people should be aware of that NOT TO TRUST fake astrologers who only have purpose to take your money and to make you feel satisfied. You should know that only a Star Sign, Sun Position, is not what determine some personality (if it would be like that we'd have 10 % of earth population to be the same and as we'll know - that's absurd).

    So, beware of your information resource, blogs and those who talk about astrology and yet know nothing correctly. Those who never studied astrology can't talk about it with the righteous knowledge nor can give any advice about both malice and benefits.

    So, my answer is simple - what do you think about astrology and please do leave your sign. Do you consider it to have a "magical" background or is based on a scientific research, do you consider it to be something that people made up or a higher knowledge - maybe something that I didn't mention yet. Do you consider horoscopes to be fake, yet personality sort of an match? (If that's the case you really know nothing about Natal charts a.k.a true horoscope and you're blinded by media entertainment).

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What do you think.....?

    About this song > > >

    You Sun, Moon, Jupiter & Neptune positions.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What do you thing about these songs (Your Sun sign and Jupiter/Neptune Position)?

    Okay the Idea is simple, what do you think about these songs and what sign would you say that they are, you're free to say whatever you want about them?!

    Also, write your sign as well as Jupiter & Neptune position. :)

    Mega thanks! Songs are in dire need to be heard completely.

    Thanks a lot!

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Sagittarius people, please enter and report on duty ! ! ! ;]?

    I'm wondering how many Sagittarius people are in this section (?) because I've seen that a lot share same Mercury in Sagittarius that inclines a high need for "internet social life" but nothing obligatory, more out of curiosity :D

    Question - Those who have Mercury in Sagittarius in six house - Do you posses any cardiovascular illness?

    Also, how many have Gemini Rising?

    Please, tell me your 11th house.

    Also, I'll leave to voters to choose best answer :D because I find it to be more justiciable since there's no 'real reward" for my questions here.

    Thank you for your time and best regards! :}

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • What sign is best in bed?

    Now, don't overrun with Scorpios since Scorpio is not "the best" :] they're simply connected and more attracted to sex than other signs, that's all. With what sign did you had best sexual experience?

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Sagittarius & Cancer (great Mercury trigonometry)?

    So I'm a Sagittarius guy and my love is Cancer. We both have Gemini as an Ascendant and we both have great mercury positions. We're both writers (she's more emotional and like novels, I'm more into SciFi and comics).

    The question is - Have you ever seen that a couple can function great because of Mercury and Asc?

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago