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Any Mexican adoptees ever get dual citizenship?
Hi everyone!
I am 30 years and was adopted as a baby in 1982 from Guadalajara as soon as I was born, basically. One of my friends recently was asking me about dual citizenship in the US and Mexico. As I began to look into it I am thinking that I might be able to qualify for this! Has anyone of Mexican descent and an adoptee done this before? If so, did you reach any roadblocks? I have my original Mexican birth certficate as well as my amended US one given to my parents. I have all important documents basically. I havea consulate down the street from my job, but am anxious!! It would be nice to have this and maintain a more solid connection to my homeland. Thanks!
1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoHelp with my one year old kitty?
I have this one year old kitty named TACO and he is a handful! I am usually only home in the evenings and weekends. During the week in the evenings when I'm trying to cook he always jumps all over the stove and kitchen islan and he KNOWS he gets in trouble when he does it, but does it for attention. I know he does it for attention because when I scold him he cowers with his ears back and he purrs really loud, and if I get too close he headbutts me :| haha. I use a spray bottle, but he seems to like getting misted and doesn't head to my stern voice. Anyway, He won't listen to me, and this has only really been happening recently. Any suggestions on getting this little mischief maker to stay on the floor??
3 AnswersCats10 years agoLost one of two kittens?
I adopted two kittens in december. Sadly, one of them got FIP and we had to put him to sleep yesterday due to fluid in his tiny lungs :( It was very sad for me and everyone involved.
However, his adopted brother seems to be fine, a bit confused, but fine over all. I'm scared though now because now he's all alone during the day. he has plenty of toys, but he loves attention and playing. Has anyone ever dealt with this and can offer suggestions to keep baby entertained during the day? I keep the radio on for him and the blinds ups, but I still worry. I may get a new play mate for him in a couple months, definitely not until after I get his brother's necropsy results back and can blood test him for viral activity. I just want to feel more comfortable leaving him here all alone!
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoKitten's pupil looks weird, what's wrong?
Hey guys! My baby kitten was sick for a while and his big brother I think took a claw to his eyeball :( the spindle of the pupil looks to be the part that was hit as it is now misshapen a little. He can see fine and I took him to the vet monday to see what I could do. He's receiving eye drops with antibiotics steroids to get stuff back in order too. But I'm just wondering if any of you have seen this before, and if so, how long does it take his little eyeball to be normal??
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoQuestion about education credits for taxes?
Does anyone know how long you can file back taxes for concerning this credit? one of my friends has been a student for a really long time and never knew about the Hope credit or lifetime credit, or any education credit because he uses turbo tax. Anyway, trying to help him figure out if he can put in a claim for credits on previous tax years. Anyone know?
1 AnswerUnited States1 decade agoone of my kittens is being way too agressive with his brother?
One kitty who is 6 months old is being really rough with his adopted 5.5 months old. Baby brother is recovering from what is hopefully just a cold virus, he was given fluids and an anti-inflammatory today to help and is on the mend. What should I do? I know older brother is just happy his brother is feeling better, but I"m like dude you need to chill out. I'm not looking to punish him or be mean about it, but I'd like to hear suggestion to help him be more relaxed?
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoHow often can kittens get colds?
I have two kittens that I adopted from Humane Society about a month ago. One of them contracted a cold and showed symptoms approx. a week after bringing him home. He was treated with antibiotics in his eyes and via oral stuff. That was pretty much since Christmas and he was better up until today! His baby friend who was also adopted was fine until a day and a half ago. he was nibbling on his dry food, but wasn't into his wet food and not going potty (that I know of, since i am at work during the day). Now he's sleeping all day and isn't really wanting to play. I can hear some trouble with him breathing, but not really significant.
What i'm wondering is that it seems like cat number 2 got the cold from kitty number 1. Oh! And kitty number 1 who had the cold initially is now showing signs of his puffy eyeball syndrome from the cold and is kind of wheezing again! Is it possible for kittens to get kitty colds back to back? I feel so bad for them!!!
I gave kitty number 2 some laxatone, less than a teaspoon because I thought he was constipated. and gave him some goats milk for calories. I do have Nutri-cal but don't want to over-do it on him since he's only about 5.5 months old. I'm also giving him water every hour via a little plastic syringe thing. Poor babies. Any advice? If they're not doing better by monday I'll bring them to the vet, but they seem pretty miserable right meow :(
4 AnswersCats1 decade agoQuestion about Chlamydia?
I just was diagnosed with chlamydia :( I was with someone over the summer and received it from him from performing oral sex on him ( I'm a woman). I've had one new partner this last weekend and used protection, we're wondering if it is possible that chlamydia would be transmitted to him by me performing oral sex on him? You dig? I'm really worried about him becoming infected by me by just the one time we had sex, and want to be able to talk to him about this as a more informed person. I'm going to speak with my doctor tomorrow about all this, I guess I just want some kind of ease of mind.
3 AnswersSTDs1 decade agodating question about men - guys plz answer!?
there is a guy that I know, met him a few years ago, and he moved away last summer. He ended up coming back to his hometown (where I live) to be closer to family, etc. I don't think he was holding up well in the big city of NY.
Anyway, long story short is that I'm attracted to him, and he's really sweet and NICE. There aren't too many of them around anymore. Problem is that he is 30 years old has no job, moved back in with his parents (didn't save to move back%2
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoQuestion about putting your pet to sleep?
I’ve been really really worried about my cat these days. Fatty is around 17 years old (born in 1994)Nothing is particularly wrong, but it’s gotten so that he doesn’t see his food (he's blind), forgets where it is and I literally have to get right in his face to get him to eat his food and drink water. He hasn’t even been eating his hard food at all. He'll sit there in the kitchen and wait for his food,
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoQuestion about putting your pet to sleep?
I’ve been really really worried about my cat these days. Fatty is around 17 years old (born in 1994)Nothing is particularly wrong, but it’s gotten so that he doesn’t see his food (he's blind), forgets where it is and I literally have to get right in his face to get him to eat his food and drink water. He hasn’t even been eating his hard food at all. He'll sit there in the kitchen and wait for his food, but then doesn't really want it when I put it down for him. I just don’t know what to do. All he does is sleep all day and he’s getting so very thin. The only thing he really eats voraciously are those little crunchy kitty treats. Otherwise he just doesn’t seem to notice either way. His age has really caught up with him since the last few months or so. He’s still pretty cognitive like purring and he’s sweet and all of that, but I’m worried. How do you know when it’s time to let go?
2 AnswersCats1 decade agohelp with writing a book review?
hey friends, I'm a college junior in a 400 level art history course. We've been asked by our instructor to write a book review on one of the texts for our term paper. Does anyone have any helpful hints on writing one of these? I'm at a loss since I've never done one of these guys before!! Thanks :)
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoquestion about re-issued russian LC-A cameras.?
So ... I want to get one of these puppies, but I'm curious about the hot-shoe. If anyone owns one of these do you know if the lomography flashes work on these Russian re-issues?
2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago