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Hello, My names Leah. I am 17. I love volleyball, baseball, call of duty, and shopping. Feel free to e-mail me anytime (just let me know who you are)-- Ill e-mail back when i think of it or have time:) Have a nice day:)

  • What do you think when you see a girl with..?


    Im definitely not overweight but I have a bit of cellulite on my thighs. Im just curious as to what guys or girls think when they see a girl with cellulite?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to get better sex and make a guy last longer?

    We had sex for the first time this weekend, so I understand it isn't going to be perfect but my ex boyfriend could last 15-20 minutes and pleasure me before finishing whereas my boyfriend now can last pretty long on blow jobs but then when we tried to have sex he lasts like a minute. Will this get better in time or is there any way to help it?

    Also, this is going to sound so weird but how do I help him have sex? Both times we had sex he was on top and he put it in but then just like moved around without really lifting his body or hips and I had to try and push and move his hips to help with the motion and he still wasn't getting it. Im trying to be patient but I want pleasure too! How can I help this?

    9 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • How to make a guy last longer during sex?

    We had sex for the first time this weekend, so I understand it isn't going to be perfect but my ex boyfriend could last 15-20 minutes and pleasure me before finishing whereas my boyfriend now can last pretty long on blow jobs but then when we tried to have sex he lasts like a minute. Will this get better in time or is there any way to help it?

    Also, this is going to sound so weird but how do I help him have sex? Both times we had sex he was on top and he put it in but then just like moved around and I had to try and push and move his hips to help with the motion and he still wasn't getting it. Im trying to be patient but I want pleasure too! How can I help this?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Wrist pain when apply pressure or bend wrist back?

    Ill try and make this short! Just want to know some opinions on what this may be before going to see a doctor/if I should go see a doctor.

    For the past couple years I would get a pain in the top of my wrist when i would put pressure on it (such as if I was in a pushup type wrist position). It would switch hands but then hurt for the night and eventually go away so it never really bothered me.

    At the end of june, my left wrist really hurt again too the point where it hurt to move. It went away for about a week and now most of july both of my wrists have been painful and I cannot ben it 90 degrees forward or backwards because of the pain.

    Now also, there is a small hard bump I notice when I bend my left hand down in the centre of my wrist which wasn't there before (and its not on my right wrist) and there is a dull annoying pain even when i don't bend my wrist.

    The pain does not come from doing any type of activity either, so its not like its overworked. Im really stuck on what it could be and its very painful!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • How do you handle a heated argument?

    Long story short, today while I was working my part-time job (I'm just a student), we had a lady who's debit card kept coming up 'insufficient funds'. So therefore its not the cashier, its not the pin pad...its her bank account but this lady didn't understand this. After making another girl my age cry I stepped in on cash. I was really angry at her for making my friend cry and she was being extremely rude (so rude in fact cops were called for public disturbance) Anyways..I was mad and she kept picking me about for all my obvious signs of anger, especially my shaking. She yelled at me to swipe her card and thats when she saw me shaking and said "your shaking. Why are you nervous? Are you being dishonest?" and then I just yelled at her and said "No I'm mad because you just made another 18 year old girl cry!"

    So, theres a couple things that didn't go so well, and I find this happens when I get into other bigger arguments too.

    1. I shouldn't have yelled at her. How do you stay come and talk normally when dealing with people like this?

    2. How do I stop the shaking!!!! Its not like a could hit her or go for a run, (and when I tried deep breathing she called me out on it for looking 'dishonest' again). So what else can you do to stop the shaking?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • What do you think of these controversial pieces?

    They are of named some of the top controversial art pieces, just wondering on what you think that message of these photos are?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Religious and Non-Religious people please answer this survey?

    I have to get answers to write a report in my philosophy class

    Thank you so much for your time!

    Survey for theists (religious) people

    1 Describe your idea of God, as specifically as possible.

    2 In your opinion, what is the most convincing reason to believe in God?

    3 Are you aware of the atheist supporting argument, the argument of insufficient evidence? ("there is either no evidence or not enough reputable and reliable evidence to conclude that God exists"). How would you address this argument?

    4 Why does evil exist in the world?

    5. How do you feel about people who express different views of religion or no religious views?

    7 Where do you think morality originates from? (Religious up bringing/backgrounds, or does it just depend on the individual himself)

    8 What religion are you?

    Survey for atheists (non-religious people)

    1 Have you ever believe in God or did you always hold this view?

    2 In your opinion, what is the most convincing reason to believe that there is no God?

    3 Are you aware or the theist argument, the cosmological argument? ("Whatever exists must come from something else, nothing is the source of its own existence; nothing is self-creating. Therefore the world must have been created by someone, such as God"). How would you address this argument?

    4 What is the source of evil in the world?

    5 How do you feel about people who practice religion?

    6 What do you think is the source of morality in individuals?

    30 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What time are you planning on going to bed tonight?

    What time do you have to wake up?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Moving to University next year? Boyfriend already upset?

    I am in an almost two year relationship with this guy, I am in grade 12 now. We get along well, although we go threw spurts of always getting into fights. We love each other and enjoy hanging out but it seems we can never hang out or be together without having sex, so it seems that that is what the relationship mostly revolves around.

    So, needless to say, its not a relationship I necessarily see marriage in. Not saying I dont want to stay with him for awhile, I just can't predict the future.

    Now, since were both in grade 12 we were talking about our friends going to university and then it brought up that I might be applying to a school that is 6 hours away. He got really upset and was mad that I would want to go that far and asked why. I tried to explain to him that I want to be independent and not be able to come home every weekend. This blew up to him texting his friend (I just saw part of the conversation) saying that I want to go really far away because I dont want to be in touch with my family and ever come home and basically dont want to stay with him.

    This really frustrates how he changed my words and took it like I want to start a new life or something. (Which I dont, I am very close to my family).

    Another thing is I have planned on going further away for school for years, since before I ever started highschool.

    How to I make this situation better when I actually have to apply to farther schools? I know he is going to get really upset and I can be a really unsympathetic person sometimes so I tend to make situations like this worse. Help:( Opinions??!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What type of earring should i put in my rook? to make it less noticable?

    I got my rook pierced in june, healed fine. Now im in the volleyball season and we have to take off/out all jewlery, so my lobes are fine. Im just going to take out my helix for good, at least for the season and let it grow in but i dont know what to do with my rook.

    At the beach in july my brother through a football and it hit me in the ear-.- and it hit it so that it pushed the CBR ring turn into my ear so that when i looked in the car mirror i didnt see it and thought i lost it. This is, that would work but i cant seem to push it back in like that again. So im thinking if i change it to a curved barbell? would that be less noticable?


    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • Did you get hit in any way today?

    I was just thinking about it, and i realized i got hit a lot today!

    - At lunch a guy and i were joking and he made a 'threating fist' towards me so i punched him, and he punched me back. Hes a body builder too, it hurt. I didnt even hit him hard-.-

    - In gym playing soccer, this girl booted the ball and i wasnt paying full attention, cause i didnt know we had started, and the ball hit me in the face.

    - This guy slapped my ***. He's my friend, and i slapped his first as a joke i guess it was fair?

    - My friend was getting to close when talking to me and i told him not to, but he just got closer so i went to give him a tity twister...and he went to do it back but ended up just grabbing/hitting my boob. It hurt.

    I usually dont get hit this much...

    Anyways, did you get hit today?

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • How bored are you on a scale from 2-85.6?

    Im about a 85.555.

    Im soo bored.

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Are you physically active daily?

    I am, in gym class.

    and at home.

    keeping this rockin bod, ontop of things;D

    haha, but really, are you active daily?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • if you could dress up at anyone/anything right now, what/who would you dress up as?

    I would dress up as catwomen, because she is bad@ss, and her outfit is sexy bad@ss too. :D

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What is your favourite kind of ice cream:)?

    Mine would have to be chocolate. just plain chocolate. YUMMMMY

    28 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • How you ever given/recieved a lap dance?

    want one;) haha jokes

    I have that song stuck in my head though-.-

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • Would you consider yourself small, average, or large?

    Meaning in body size. Realized after writing it could easily be mistaken for certain body parts... But i mean your body as a whole :p

    7 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Whats the best/nicest compliment(s) youve ever recieved? :)?

    Mine- "You are facking gorgeous!!! This might be weird but i love your voice! And i like how you are as a real person:)"

    "You are a real person, not some fake b*tch. I admire that"

    and lastly...

    "Hey leah, i wanted to tell you that you are an amazing friend, you are so down to earth adn i like how you stick up for people you care about and arent afraid. Your a true person, not fake, and its sweet. Your lucky to have that personality"

    Although they were all anomonous on my formsping, It was really nice to know that people thought that about me and took the time to write and tell me. :)

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago