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I am a Letter Carrier who when not dilivering mail with joy and pride I am an animal lover. I am always looking for the oppertunity to voleenter with different animal recues and organizations.

  • How to handle my brother who found out hes adopted.?

    To make a long story short. We where adopted by two seprate familys where I was two.and he was9 months. I was told i was never to tell him because our familys new each other. Now Im 44 yrs. Hes 42. our biological anti got in contact with him and blind sided him with the truth including me. Was he angry with me? No. He was happy that his childhood friend was his sister that now he call me every night. But since I was a child I was mentally programed to keep quiet and stay away.

    Hes been getting angry latly because I wont answer the phone at times and doesnt understand that besides that im a letter carrier who whos her rear end off all day this has been a big thing for me too.

    And if your wondering if he has wanted contact with his bio family? He says no! At least for now.

    Any advice beside the fact my spelling stinks?

    Thanks for your help and much needed advice:)

    1 AnswerAdoption8 years ago
  • Can Dogs get sea sick?

    Im planing to go to Panhandle of Florida for some deep sea fishing. I have a Bassethound I adopted a couple yrs. ago who back then was nine yrs. young so I dont know everything about him.

    Hes become by side kick, my buddy. And I dont want to leave him in a kennel for a week.

    So can dogs get sea sick like people? And if so what can I give him?

    Thanks for your time and help:)

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • I want to camp out on my brother and sisters farm. Need a little help?

    My family has 80 acers with alot of vegitatian they grow. My brother even has a small house . I want to camp out to take pictues of the wild life that comes out from a.hunting preserve that opens a few days out of the year in November at night from my tent and just injoy sleeping under the stars but my family is worried about that same wild life that would atack me such as wild boar, deer, turkey, and they say theyve even seen raddle snakes, rabits, rats and jumping spiders . Im hoping to see a florida panther i hear there non aggresive toward.humans.

    So whats the difference between camping out at a camp ground or camping out at my damilys place.

    3 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Need help with my.sweet brother?

    My brother and I were adopted by two separate familys when we were kids. He was just a baby so he didnt remember me or his bio mom and dad. I was.told by to never.get incontact with them because those were his adopted familys wishes. 40 yrs. later his bio family contacted him.and told him everything, including who I was.

    To my wonderful surprise he contacted me and was excited to know he had a blood sister he remembers as a child. He doesnt want to know about the other family because of how they blind sided him with this info.

    Heres my challenge. Im very quiet and I love taking care of my mom who raised me as her own who is elderly and sick plus I also take care of my sister whos my moms dauter.

    Little by little Im noticing hes calling me 3 & 4 times a day and now he feels he needs to pull rank as my blood brother and I need to move closer to him. When he said this I wanted to tell him off but hes been,threw so much I held back.

    Can you give me any advice or direction on what to tell him with out hurting his feelings?

    Thanks for your help and time:)

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Sigustions on a gift?

    My brother and I resently found out we were adopted by two wonder familys. were in out 40's and live in different parts of the country. He's getting ready to take his CDL test and I know hes going to pass. I want to get him a really nice gift to surprise him, do you have any ideas?

    Thanks for your time. Please no jokes about my spelling:)

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • After 40 yrs. My brother found out hes adopted. Can I sew?

    My brother and I were each adopted by two wonderful familys when we were almost babys. I always new everything, like who my brother was but he never new who I was or his biological family.

    Now after so meny yrs. his biological anti has disided to find his phone number, call him and tell him everything. Including that his real mother wants to meet him.

    My life has turned upside down.

    Your probably wondering why I never told him? I didnt because that family is rotten to the very core.

    Thank you for your time kindness...

    6 AnswersAdoption8 years ago
  • Where to find spoonbill birds in south Florida?


    I love bird watching and picture taking. I resently had the opertunity to rescue a young spoonbill that was just walking around and looked sick in Miami. Wow! A real spoonbill right in my hands. The wild life center took it in with open arms when i arived with it..

    Now Id like to take some pictures of them in the wild. Does anyone know of a good place where I can take pictures of them in action, hunting, feeding there young and in a group?

    Thanks so much for your time:)

    1 AnswerBirds8 years ago
  • Fish for plant ferterlizer?

    I have a few small trees that for the past few yrs. just wont give friut. Ive tried all kinds of fertalizer and still nothing. I love to fish in sunny Florida and some one told me that after I cut out the meat from the fish to take the head and left overs and put them around the tree because it would help.

    Has anyone else heard or done this? What has been the results? Any other tips that might help?

    Thanks for the help:)

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Any advice for my dogs pulled mussel?

    Hi everybody:)

    I have a very special 13 yr.old lab mix named Emily. Shes special not just because shes been a wonderful friend for so long but also she detects asthma attacks when I sleep and wakes me up.

    Shes never had any health problem till now when while she was running in a park she pulled a back

    leg mussel.

    The vet gave her pain killers till she was better but has anyone else had this happen to there K-9 friend? And if so have you done anything extra to help with the pain or to keep then calm so they dont wake so much?

    Thanks so much for your time and your kind help:)

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • My 10 year old cat looks like he has black dandruf?

    Hi everyone:)

    I have a beautiful 10 yr. old sweet male cat. But this morning i noticed he has somthing that looks like black dandruf. Can anybody tell me what this could be?

    Thanks so much for your help:)

    6 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • to catch a wild swarm of bees from an outside cable box?

    I live in south Florida and there is a wild swarm.of bees on a green cable box out side our naboors town house in the back. I have bee hives a couple of hrs away on my brothers farm that i just build so this would be perfect. There eroupean because there not agressive.

    The hive has been there awile because when they lifted the green cover they had honey combs.

    Any help would be awesome. thanks

    3 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • Question for gardens or landscaper?

    Sounds nutty but im trying to raise bees for honey and id like to try to.get a wild swarm. They say if I plant strong fragrance plants or trees around the hive I just might lure a wild swarm. My brother lives in Lake Okeechobee Florida on 80 acres but my brothers letting have the hive on just a few acers ti start so no problems with thick roots. And id water it once a week even though if u dig five feet down you will hit moist soil.

    Is there a plant or tree that can take tough summers but blooms with a strong fragrance year round?

    Thanjs for taking the time to help me:)

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • What is the right vegtable or fruit seeds and trees Lake Ockechobee Fl.?

    Looking to plant seeds for a few acers to sell later to locals. Ockeechobee is mostly very hot summers with little to big down poors.

    Can,anyone give me ideas?

    Please no spelling cracks, im using a cell


    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Is the stock market a good way to help with my future retirement?


    Im a 20 yr. postal worker but still have 15 more to go. We have somthing like a 401k plan. Do u think investing with E-trade is a good idea. Nothing big just penny stocks for now. Thanks for the help:)

    6 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • Can anyone recommend a cartune disiner for my new bussness?


    Im starting a new bussness. I starting from the ground up of course. Have all the city and state permits with the name but now I need help with the small bear I plan on putting below the name. The image in in my mind but cant put,it on paper.

    Can anyone give me any sigustions or web sights that does this kind of work?

    Thanks for the much needed help:)

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • My best friend is having a baby and shes in pain?

    my friend is having a baby, her third girl(Yeay!!). Shes been in pain around the sholder blads and lowet back. Her baby is bigger then that she should be for 5 months but the doc. said the pain is normal.,She cant sleep at night because of it.. Has any mom out there been threw this and if so that did u do to aliviate the pain? Can I buy somthing to help her?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Need to camp out a few days and can use some advice please?

    Im working on a project at my brothers 80 acre farm and i plan on staying a few nights outside with my four dogs. This is in lk. ocechobee Florida next to a hunting priserve. What should I take and what should i be worried about to get prepared for? The r wild boar, turkey and somtimes dlI think deer.

    Thanks for your help:)

    2 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation8 years ago
  • Need help with making small investment?


    Im a proud, postal worker and have 15 more yrs. to go to retire. I suport my elderly mom and my wonderful sister who takes great care of her and I suport myself with a heavy morgage leaving me with hardly anything left in the bank. The post office puts in money for my retirement but very little.

    I want to invest in somthing but with the money i have left over I dont know what.Can any one out there give me any advice? thanks so much.

    1 AnswerInvesting8 years ago
  • Im investing in copper ,,,?

    Im investing in copper as a long term investment. How do I know that what im getting is the real thing? Is there -web sight because I cant find it..

    Thanks so much for the help:)

    9 AnswersInvesting8 years ago
  • Coin collecting question?

    Whats the difference between coins with clad and coins with ingot?

    Thanks for the help:)

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago