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  • i need a little help with these problems...?

    can you please help me figure out these problems? like go through them step-by-step and and label the variables you use, if any? i think i know the answers but im not really sure...

    1. manielle and ross were playing in the dirt and each found a caterpillar. they decided to race them, giving minelle's caterpillar a 2.5 foot head start from the starting line while ross' caterpillar began at the starting line. minelle's caterpillar travels 6 in. per minute and ross' travels 8 in. per minute. how far from the starting line were minelle's and ross' caterpillars, in that specific order, after 6 minutes of racing?

    a. 36 in, and 48 in.

    b. 36 in. and 78 in.

    c. 38.5 in. and 48 in.

    d. 66 in. and 48 in.

    2. richard and conner just bought new pet turtles and are racing them in an obstacle course. the course is 3m long. richard's turtle moves at a rate of .25m per minute while conner's turtle moves at a rate of 20cm per minute. if both turtles start the obstacle course at the same time, who's turtles will win and by how much?

    a. conner's turlte will win by 60cm

    b. conner's turtle will win by .5m

    c. richard's turtle will win by 40 cm

    d. richard's turtle will win by .6m


    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • a couple of math problems?

    Please explain how you get the answer for both.

    1. Two cylinders have the same volume. If the radius of cylinder I is 3 times the radius of cylinder II, then the height of cylinder II is how many times the height of cylinder I?

    A. 12

    B. 9

    C. 6

    D. 3

    2. Every weekend, Phil drives from his home to his favorite amusement park, a distance of 60 miles.

    a. If he averages 40 mph for the first half of the trip, what must his average speed for the second half of the trip in order for him to average 50 mph for the entire trip?

    b. Suppose that on the trip home, Phil decides to stop a 30 minute dinner break. If he averages 45 mph for the first half of this return trip and 60 mph for the second half of this trip, how many more MINUTES will the return trip take compared to the trip going to the park? (be sure to account for his dinner break.)

    4 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Need some help, please~?

    Suppose that a certain municipality uses the equation y=3(x-50)+30 to determine the fine assessed a car which exceeds the 50 mph speed limit. Let x=speed of the car (in mph) and y=corresponding fine in dollars.

    a)What is the fine for traveling at 55 mph?

    b)If the fine is $126, what is the speed of the car?

    c)If car A travels at 60 mph and car B travels at 90 mph, then car B is traveling 50% faster than car A. However the fine for car B is what percent higher than that of car A?

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • What do you honestly think?

    Do you think crying is a sign of weakness, or strength? Why? :3

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why do people say, "You can't have your cake and eat it too"?

    Why would someone get cake if they can't eat it? :D

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • On a scale of 1-10.....?

    What is your confidence level? :D

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That....?

    Who's afraid of the thing in the back? :3

    Solve this riddle:

    I can be used by both men and women,

    I am usually around 8 in long,

    I am ready to go whenever you'd like,

    A sticky substance is used for my job,

    When I am working, I move back and forth in a moist pink hole,

    What am I?

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Solve this riddle I made! :D?

    I am what most question everyday,

    Many describe me as warm, but some say I'm cold or useless,

    I am for all, but used by some,

    I am inside of you. What am I?

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I have something important to say...?

    I love you <3 :D

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you say in this situation? :D?

    You've just been run over by a car and your dying fast. What are your last words? :D

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Give me your opinion on this dream...?

    Ok, I had a dream where I was in an insane asylum. It was really gray and I could barely see. I was wearing the gown they give you in hospitals and was huddled in the corner. Then, there were these 5 other people in there. They all looked exactly like me. They started talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I tried to talk but nothing came out. Once they finally stopped talking, I saw a door and ran for it. When I got out the room, I found I was in this hallway and no matter where I ran, I couldn't find my way out. Then I heard a noise and turned around. It was some scary looking doctors and nurses that looked like they were coming after me. I ran and found a door. But, it wouldn't open and I was at a dead end. They caught me and I woke up. What do you think about this?

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade ago