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I keep seeing this pose! See the pic in the attachment, WHAT IS IT? ?
This is been bugging me for the past year and a half.. over the past 12-24 months maybe less I don’t know I keep seeing little kids makin this weird pose, is that name for this??? What is it???? Is it a dance craze??? A dance pose??? A religious thing???? A cult thing??? What is it! PLEASE! What’s it called!! Thank you!!!
2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years agoI’m just curious, what do VEGANS think about VEGETARIANS?
Because I’m 34 and I’ve been a vegetarian since birth. I will have cheese, milk but NOT eggs.
What can I say? I love pizza far too much to become a vegan. By eating cheese and milk, I’m not actually eating a dead animal am I?
11 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan2 years agoI keep seeing this pose on the internet, one arm covering eyes the other arm outstretched, is this a new thing??
Some kind of dance move or internet trend or crave or something... it’s like the person is hiding his face with one arm and extending the other arm on the opposite direction, what’s up with that
2 AnswersOther - Internet2 years agoAnyone know people who only got famous AFTER their death?
It’s interesting to me that this was the case with Vincent Van Gogh. The Dutch painter only sold one painting in his life-time.
l was just wondering if there were others? Thanks
5 AnswersPainting2 years agoWhy is it frowned upon to sleep or have sex with your lawyer?
Maybe I’m naive or ignorant of how law works, but every time a conversation comes up with lawyers and having friends with them, people often laugh. I see this in movies, tv shows etc .. what’s wrong with being in a relationship with your lawyer? I don’t get it, thanks
20 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years agoIn simple, who are the Rothchilds and are they still alive and how did they make their money and why do people hate successful people?
Why do people hate them? How did they make their money and are they still alive and active?
3 AnswersOther - Social Science2 years agoWhat does Rob Zombie mean by slam in the back of my dragula? Is this a sexual euphemism?
Is it code for something? Thanks
4 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 years agoWhat is a trailhand? And why is hand at the end of the word?
I’ve already heard the term farmhand.. trailhand etc... is a trailhand somebody who hands out leaflets/books to people while on the trail (which I’m assuming is a path or road) or something? So you’re handing out out something? Someone please explain thanks
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years agoWhen people say fit as a fiddle, why do they associate a fiddle with health? What’s a fiddle got to do with it?
I was watching the Gilmore Girls and Richard uses the phrase ‘fit as a fiddle’.. So a fiddle is a violin.. but what has a violin got to do with one’s health? Thanks
10 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 years agoHow is the name Ivaya pronounced?
So i became friends with this Bulgarian girl a few years ago but everytime time i see her, i'm a little unsure how to say her name, Ivaya and i feel stupid because i can't say it.... i'm from the UK by the way, so i'm not a native Bulgarian speaker. Help please... How is the name Ivaya pronounced?
6 AnswersLanguages2 years agoWhat s the difference between an Adage, Maxim and Proverb?
They all sound kinda similar in nature but c,mon.. there must be a difference other than spelling right? Do they all mean the exact same thing?
7 AnswersWords & Wordplay2 years agoAre we really on Earth just to get laid and then die?
Kurt Vonnegut once said...
"we are on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you any different"
I'm 33 male, i've never had a girlfriend... and i suffer from social anxiety.. i've been depressed for months.. if there is something more to life other than getting laid then i don't see why i shouldn't just kill myself
6 AnswersPsychology3 years agoWhen Frankie says relax don't do it... what did he mean by don't do it, don't do what ?
I don't think Frankie ever says what it is that you're not suppose to do.... he says 'relax, don't do it'..
don't do what?... i don't get it...
8 AnswersRock and Pop3 years agoI love ZZ Top but I'm not white either, I'm Indian. Is this a problem for other people to accept?
Thinking of getting a ZZ Top tee shirt but I'm kinda scared to wear it in case I get any dirty looks.. I love all sorts of music, regardless of race, age, and sex.
I am British Indian (dots, not feathers), from the UK. So what are your thoughts on this?
5 AnswersFashion & Accessories3 years agoIs it true only rich people can shop at Bottega Veneta?
I m reading a novel right now. And an Italian fashion brand company which I ve never heard before until today, called Bottega Veneta, is referenced in the book. I did a little googling and man, it looks like only people with a lamborgini parked in their drive-way can afford to shop there.... I have £6 dollars and 25 cent in my jeans
5 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years agoWhat are Led Zeppelin's best songs?
Just to be clear, I'm not really familiar with any of the songs but.... well, you see there is this girl that I like and she likes Led Zeppelin so I want to listen to some of their music, she might like me even more, and possibly get laid..
I have heard of Stairway to Heaven of course, who hasn't heard that song? It's globally known.. But that is about it.. can you tell me their best songs please, thanks
21 AnswersRock and Pop3 years agoWhat do people mean when they say "A fish rots from the head down"?
Sounds kinda gruesome right? But also cool at the same time.. Just wondered what this expression means exactly, thanks
4 AnswersQuotations3 years agocut my kneee tripping over a trailer hitch..?
my older brother just tod me to put salt in my wwound to make the pain go awaY. dus any1 know wear i can buy salt from please thank u
7 AnswersInjuries3 years agoWalker Stalker London: If I collect my badge the night before (Friday) would I be able to walk straight in on Saturday?
Hey everyone
I'm planning on going to this Walker Stalker convention thing next month in London..
I was just wondering, if i go to Will Call (collect my badge) the night before on Friday, then is it true I can just walk straight in the building with my badge on at 10:30am Saturday? Or do I have to queue up still? Maybe there will be two queues, one for those waiting to get badges and another for those with badges???
It's my first time going to one of these so i'm kinda clueless.. .help please
1 AnswerOther - Television3 years agoHow many tube lines can be accessed if you're at King Cross' St Pancreas station?
Is it true that only..
Victoria line
Northern line AND
Picadilly line
Can be accessed from the pancreas p leae thank you
5 AnswersLondon3 years ago