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Peter J

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  • Can I end up losing custody after filing for child support?

    I am not seeking specific legal advidce and I understand consulting a lawyer is the best idea, I'm simply trying to get a feeling for what to expect. I'll try to keep the backstory brief :

    My daughter (age 7) has been living with me on weekdays for about a year and a half now and she attends school in my district. Half way through kindergarten last year her mother asked me if she could transfer schools and live with me because the neighborhood is much safer and I agreed. We currently have joint custody with me having 49% and her 51% with no child support. Since we tend to get along well we did not officially modify it when she came to live with me and only have a verbal agreement in place. I have her during the weekdays and she goes with her mother on the weekends and we pay for our own expenses other than health insurance which is under my name. Her mother and I both have stable jobs and good living conditions.

    Recently I have become more aware of how much of my daughters expenses I am actually covering myself and I am thinking of filing for child support and a modification of custody. Since there is no negative history between us could this end up backfiring on me? I am worried if I file she will file in retaliation to have custody given to her to avoid child support. I truly believe my daughter has a better place to live with me but I would be hard put to find anything negative about her mother as a counter argument

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • Did I install my distributor cap and rotor correctly?

    I have a 99 Mitsubishi Diamante V6. I pulled off my distributor cap and rotor trying to track down a rough idle. After carefully removing and marking my plug wires I pulled the cap off and removed the rotor. I wasn't thinking though and when I went to put the rotor back on i realized i did not mark its position when i removed it. The end of the distributor shaft is triangle shaped so there were only 3 possible positions for the rotor. I guessed and then after putting it all back together i was able to start it. It still had a rough idle and it made a brief clunk when it turned over but kept running fine after that. If i did not install the rotor in the correct position would it still have started right up or is there something else i need to look for? Also if it is not in the correct position how harmful would it be to the engine starting it again?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Window fan direction for allergies?

    I am trying to figure out which way to point a window fan to relieve dust allergies. When I am vacuuming it always kicks some dust up into the air which makes my allergies go crazy. In the summer it's no big deal since I can just open all the windows and keep the air circulating. I can't do that right now though because of how cold it is where I am. Letting cold air into the house isn't the problem, if I could open the windows I would but they are frozen shut right now. Because the air temp is so cold right now trying to melt them open with a hair drier doesn't work, it just refreezes before I get all the way around. I am able to get one window open though and I stick a fan in to air things out. Does it make more sense to blow fresh air in or suck the dusty air out? Blowing the air in seems to feel better at first but wouldn't that just blow the dust around the rest of the house and make it worse later?

    1 AnswerAllergies7 years ago
  • Was Obama's "executive" order on unconventional domestic natural gas resources just another lie?

    He did it to bypass congress because he knew he had no support, yet another way he has proven he doesn't think the law should apply to him

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • How can I prevent my mohawk from looking like a 50 year old guy who forgot to refill his viagra?

    I have been growing it out for several months now, it's probably around 3" tall. I used use Got2b glued but when my hair gets long it starts to curl and eventually breaks that stuff down into a sticky powder like substance. Oddly enough I have been using Axe brand spiking glue lately and that stuff works awesome. I am trying to grow it out even longer though and now I can find anything that will hold it up nice and straight for the whole day. I'm looking for something practical so don't say Elmer's glue or dried ***. Thanks!

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Help please- have I been evicted illegally?

    I filed for bankruptcy about two weeks ago. Everything is on schedule; I have not missed any deadlines and filed my paperwork correctly. The case is currently active and I am now waiting for the meeting of creditors in two weeks. About 4 days after I filed I received a summons to court for an eviction due to unpaid rent, the landlord was included on my list of creditors in the original filing along with all the information. Today I received a writ of recovery from the sheriff for the premises and found out the landlord continued with the court proceedings well after he was notified of my filing. He did not file any requests with the bankruptcy court as of today nor notified them in any way. I submitted proof of my bankruptcy filing to the sheriff in my county several days ago in response to a garnishment that was underway that the creditor failed to stop. The sheriff immediately called my work and informed them of the filing and to release the money they were holding. I admit that when it comes to bankruptcy law I do not know much, but I believed I had all the information up to this point to prevent this type of thing. Have I missed something? Can the (district) judge proceed with the eviction without US court approval despite my bankruptcy filling because I didn't show up to a hearing that I believed was put on hold due to my filing?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • What happens if a landlord files two seperate eviction notices?

    In this situation the landlord files two independent eviction notices for non-payment of rent at the same time, one against the tennant who no longer lives there and one against an authorized subtennant. The landlord is granted a judgement and writ of recovery against the tennant in court but the case against the subtennant is delayed for procedural reasons and eventually dismissed because of errors in the eviction complaint. How would the landlord proceed at this point because the eviction was for non-payment of rent that the now evicted tennant was ultimately responsible for?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Why would someone file a Suggestion of Bankruptcy?

    Why would it be neccessary to file a suggestion of bankruptcy if there was a pending lawsuit with an upcoming hearing and the creditor was listed in and notified of the bankruptcy petition? This is assuming there are no additional or unusual circumstances and the (unsecured) creditor filed the lawsuit shortly before the bankruptcy petition was filed but served a summons shortly after.

    Personal Finance8 years ago
  • What is a sherrif deputy's responsibility serving a summons?

    If a sherrif's deputy first attempts to serve a summons from a creditor shortly after a bankruptcy filing and is reasonably informed by a third party that the creditor has filed bankruptcy, can the sherrif make a second attempt to serve the notice with this knowledge? Since it is very early in the bankruptcy case the creditor has not been given notice of the filing. It is confusing because the sherrif's deputy serving the summons shouldn't be held accountable as they are acting on order of the court at the request of the creditor and neither have notice of the filing yet, but the deputy now has. Can they attempt to serve the summons again at this point under the assumption that the creditor and court has not been made aware of the bankruptcy filing's automatic stay against collection efforts? Is there any obligation on the sherrif's department to verify the claim of the bankruptcy filing or notify the creditor before attempting to serve the summons again? If an oral notice to a legitimate creditor in a bankruptcy is enough to prevent further collection attempts pending verification or official notice of the filing it would seem that any person serving a notice on their behalf would have to abide by the same law. Even if the summons were to be successfully served by the deputy now this would not be an attempt to claim violation of the automatic stay and claim damages, only a question as to the legality of it and if the court date could be enforced.

    1 AnswerGovernment8 years ago
  • Is there any difference in procedure for notification if a property owner wishes to enter a rental that is sub?

    Minnestota requires only a "reasonable notice" from a landlord to enter a rental property. What happens when the landlord needs to enter a unit that has been subleased with their approval that the master tennant no longer lives in if there is no specific provision for this in the sublease? Can the landlord contact the subtennant directly to notify them or would the notification have to go through the master tennant first since there is no contract between the landlord and subtennant? This is presuming the entry is for a maintainance inspection or other non-emergency

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Can a landlord evict a master tennant for non-payment because the subtennant declared bankruptcy?

    For example: a subtennant, with a sublease approved by the landlord, falls behind on rent and the master tennant is not able to cover the amount. The landlord then begins the eviction process against the master tennant with the intent of removing everybody from the rental including the subtennant. The landlord files eviction paperwork with the court but before any hearings or a judgement the subtennant files for bankruptcy. The automatic stay then protects the subtennant from eviction for the moment. What effect does that have on the eviction against the master tennant and what happens to the sublease if the judgement is in favor of the landlord?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Nurse refused to remove painfull IV during hospital stay?

    I was recently admitted to a hospital for 5 days to treat an infection in an incision on my shoulder from a surgery a few weeks ago. It was resilliant and they treated it with a strong antibiotic called vancomycin in five 3 hour infusions. My veins were very sensitive to it and they had to remove the IV and find a different spot for a new one after each treatment. Three had to be removed due to severe swelling and one because the vein blew out. When they placed the 5th IV the nurse had trouble finding good veins so it was done close to one of the others that had swollen. The antibiotic went in just fine until the last ten minutes or so when i started noticing a bit of pain again, similar to the others right before they swelled up. It wasnt too bad and i managed to finish the IV with only some minor swelling. As soon as the nurse disconnected the IV line I had a severe pain start under the IV site. On the pain scale i would call it a 6/10. The nurse said it just needed to be flushed and the pain would diminish. When she tried to flush it fluid would not pass through and the pain intensified to about an 8/10. I was clearly hurting at that point and i asked her to stop trying for a second since nothing was going in. She did not listen to me and started pushing harder on the plunger trying to force the fluid through. At this point the pain hit a 9/10 and i screamed out at her to stop because something was wrong. She did not listen so i yelled some more saying i could not take this level of pain much longer and that i wanted her to stop and just remove the IV. I asked several times for her to just remove it but she kept saying things like: "no we just need to flush the medicine and the the pain will go away" and "it will be okay with ice when it is done." After about two minutes of trying she was able to get the saline solution to go in but i stopped her after only about half of it because it was intensifying the pain even more. After she stopped the pain continued and i asked her again to please pull it out. She said no I just needed an ice pack and left the room. By the time she returned the pain had maxed out at a 10/10. (This is not exagerated, i have delt with terrible migranes in the past as well as a large stone that completly blocked up my kidney and caused it to inflate. I am well aware what severe pain feels like) I like to consider myself consider myself pretty tough but at that point my eyes were actually begining to tear up and screamed at her to take the IV out now. She simply handed me the bag of ice and said it will be fine in a little while. I gave up at that point and just iced it and tried to focus on something else. The pain did slowly subside after a few hours and several doses of painkiller. This all happened three days ago and the spot where the IV was in my arm has begun to swell up again and is very sore to the touch, i believe it is developing an infection. I rarely file complaints of any kind but i did today with the hospital (i did not mention my current condition). I would like to know if an infection begins to form would this be somthing a legal case could be filled over? I do not know if could be proven her actions caused an infection or that she was being careless. I dont have a complaint about the pain specifically either, in a hospital that can be expected. I want to know if in this circumstance that was non-lifethreatening the hospital could be held accountable for not removing an IV when I repeatedly demanded it because I could not stand the pain. I am not currently planning any type of lawsuite but if it does turn into an infection i may consider it

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • If you live in a state where fireworks have been recently legalized, does it really cause problems?

    I live in minnesota. Fireworks were totally illegal until a few years ago. They passed a law allowing basically sparklers (wooo....).last year a bill was passed to make the more fun ones legal but it was vetoed by the governer for dafety reasons. Keep in mind, it is still legal here in the winter to drive on a frozen lake with an open container of alcohol above the normal legal limit on the roads. It seems to me that is much more dagerouse than bottle rockets. On the 4th of july around here you see tons of people shooting them off and i know for a fact police spend a lot of time going around taking peoples away. I have never heard of anyone getting a ticket for getting caught once so the state isnt even getting much money from citationss. I always hear people shooting them off during the summer but the 4th of july is really the only major time for it. They cite safety as a reason but i would feel much safer if they were out catching drunk drivers that day instead of driving around taking fireworks (they claim they are destroyed but i know there are at least some who just take them to cabins in wisonsin and have a grand ole time with them). Plus, they could make money from taxes that now goes to wisconsin or south dakota. Wisconsin gets enough of our tax money as it is because they allow liquor stores to be open on sunday, we dont. Opinions?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Do people who try to cheat on their homework on this site actually get help?

    It amazes me how many people ask homework questions here. I am curious if it actually works for people? I never will give someone an answer that will obviously just be coppied, do you? When i went to school we didnt have yahoo answers, we actually had to do homework, which is the point i believe. Even better, does anyone purposly give out long detailed answers that are incorrect? It seems that would be a good way to teach a lesson about learning for yourself

    4 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Why are people still crying about the election?

    Our system is not "broken." As a matter of fact its working exaclly how it is supposed to. If it were broken Obama would have won but Romney would have gotten an overwhelming majority of the popular vote. He didnt. Just because the vote was close doesnt make it unfair. If Obama won by 20 votes he would still be president, although the recount would have been horrific. I will admit i wasnt too happy when bush was reelected, but i sure didnt start whining like a fourth grader who didnt get picked for the kickball game. I realized that if something went wrong after that i wouldnt feel bad because i knew i voted the other way and did my own little part. Now republicans can do the same. And guess what? In four years if it does get even worse im sure a republican will win. Thats the way the system works. If enough people dont like the way things are going it will be changed. Stop crying yourself to sleep at night and next election go out and do the only thing you can, vote! Until then deal with it. If you try so hard to make the current government fail then elect a republican next time what will be the point? They end up spending four years trying to put it all back the way you want and when they are unable to because the country became so divided they get nothing meaningful accomplished and only serve one term. Then the cycle begins again. How about you just wait four years rather than assume just because your guy lost the world is over. I remember the EXACT same stuff when clinton was reelected, and bush for that matter. How did your doomsday predictions work out for them?

    15 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Tax refund incorrectly intercepted?

    I'm looking for information from somebody who has had something similar happen or knows a lot about this subject. I will try to keep it short. I live in minnesota and was expecting a renters credit refund this year. Instead I got a letter saying the money had been taken to pay a debt with a school I attended about 10 years ago. This was surprising since i was certain my financial obligations from when i attended were taken care of. I looked into it and sure enough everything was ok. I apparently was billed for a single class I never signed up for several years after I stopped attending. My question is when I am able to get it settled will the school be able to cut me a check or do they have to send it back to the state for them to send to me? Time is a concern and obviously it would take a lot longer if it went back to the state first.

    4 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Advancing in a growing company (someone who has experience in this situation please!)?

    I work for a small company that is pretty new (7 years old, profitable for about 4. 20 people currently employed). I haven't been there too long compared to a lot of the other employees, most of whom started about four years ago. I have only been around about six months but have been told several times I am doing a great job compared to most of the other hourly employees who are just working there "because its a steady paycheck." I recently took on several additional responsibilities because nobody else there was ever able to do them correctly. Its difficult though because the CEO is notorious for supporting people who have been with the company longer despite the fact that their job performance may be terrible. As an example there is one employee who is never on time for his shift and on several occasions was a no call no show for 2-3 days without a valid explination. His record in production is terrible, items from him are constantly rejected due to poor quality. He is still there because he was one of the first hourly employees to be hired. In the past month or two though the company has finally succeded in breaking into a highly competitive market and sales have been increasing ever since. We ship worldwide now and the company this week hired a very highly regarded marketing person and also an individual who is a specialist in the field. Both were drawn from lucrative jobs they held with respected companies. I obviously see this as a sign of future growth in the company. I know nothing is for sure in a circumstance like this, but what can I do to make myself invaluable and noticed in the company on the chance that this does turn into a much bigger operation? Any tips from someone who has been in this position, either success stories or failures, would be greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersCorporations9 years ago
  • Someone else driving my car?

    My friend was driving my car and got pulled over for some minor traffic violation. They found out he had a suspended license and ticketed him. Fourtunatly they didnt tow the car! Im worried now that ill be constantly pulled over because they flagged my plate in their system because of him or something. Do they do that? I live in minnesota

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years ago
  • Polytheism needs to return?

    I think we we should all switch back to a multiple god system. None of this single god junk. It worked out well for thousands and thousands of years, much longer than Christianity! That way when we have a bad day we can curse one god but still go off an keep in good standings with another. Plus if you die unfairly they could have a "supreme court" type place in the afterlife where you can make your appeal to a seven god panel about how your death was not supposed to happen that way, haha. Much better than having one dude supposedly out there somewhere arbitrarily deciding who dies and when (provided you believe in this yet to be proven being). I'm not saying that multiple Gods exist, or even that I would believe in them without proof either. I think it just seems like a better system to work with. Christianity is on the decline anyways, let's add a little change for fun!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago