What does it mean when someone uses your name ofter?

I think I heard that it means that the person loves you, but I'm not sure. Does anyone know? Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Not necessarily does it mean they 'love you', but it does definitely imply they 'like you Alot'.!! If you like them alot, too, look at them and smile and say their name back!!
They'll see you feel the same way about them and things will probably start getting more serious then.
Good Luck!


i take it that you mean "often", not "after"?

it's a fact that the one word that people respond to better than any other is the sound of their name. if someone is using your name often they MAY love you, but it could also just mean they are trying to persuade you or keep your attention. it's hard to know for sure.

one way you CAN find out more is by watching how the other person behaves when saying your name: are they making eye contact? standing in an open position? (not crossing their arms, or hands on hips) what tone of voice do they use? sometimes HOW a person says something tells more than WHAT they're actually saying. hope this helps a bit!


it depends in the way they use it , but you can limit the answer in three possibility , they don't like you and they are making fun of you ,or they want to put you in triple with others , or they like you a lot and wanna be like you .


i think or maybe that person likes your name.