Why can't some people pick the correct category to post a question?

I see questions here that have nothing to do with the category. Why don't people take a little time and not post the question just any place, but the right place. That's kind of rude.


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Good point!!! Because just like the real world, this isn't the perfect place. People are always sticking things where they shouldn't. Irritating isn't it?


it is rude, but more likely ignorant. and, take into account it may be a first time user who isn't aware of how the system works. maybe it's a matter of perception... i myself would have put THIS question under "yahoo products> answers."

i agree it's a little frustrating for you and me to come across these gems in the wrong category, but such is life dealing with the general public {shrug}. in the end, they are the ones who lose, because their question doesn't get the exposure they hoped for when it's put in the wrong category.


I rather have questions in the wrong place than those horribly structured meaningless questions everyone posts.


I think it's the newbys usually. It takes awhile for some to notice.


whose to say your question is in the right category?

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