would it be possible to duplicate or clonoe ,ones soul?
that is the cuesttion
that is the cuesttion
Favorite Answer
No. Identical twins are genetical clones but they have absolutely two diffenrent souls, different characters.
If God will ever allow people to be cloned, then He will also give these clones souls - because the clones are real people, with real needs, real life - and real soul.
For the love of all that is holey, (ie, it's got lots of holes).
I heard that it is possible by connecting wires to the "live" and "neutral" connectors in a socket (you MUST connect the neutral first, to "neutralise" any negative energy which may be lurking about.
Then, you just connect the other ends to disparate parts of the body, like the neutral to your toe, and the live to your ear.
Flick the switch (or get a friend to help - get him to video it too, it'll make a nice keepsake).
Don't worry if there's a large BANG sound. That's a good sign. It means that the new cloned copy of your soul has "taken" (look in the bible for the exact meaning of this).
Now, you just need to worry about what the hell you are going to do with a copy of your soul.
I'd say no, apart from the fact that the soul is directly created by God (well, my opinion I guess, but a firmly grounded theological one ;-) and therefore can't be dupliacted by anyone else, it is something spiritual that is completely beyond the realm of physics.
you cant duplicate a soul.
no,the soul is Spiritual and a thing given by Creator,it's not genetic