I just got my hair cornrowed and it is so tight . Now I'm getting bumps on my scalp they hurt, What can I do?
I have worn my hair in cornrows and braids for a long time now but someone different braided this time and now it hurts. This has never happened before so I do not know what to do.
Favorite Answer
Sounds like follicolitis, or irritation and inflammation of the little pockets in your skin (including scalp) that the hairs grow out of. This will especially happen if the hair is being pulled in a direction other than the direction it grows. In a week or so, your hair will have grown a little slack for itself, and it will clear up.
If it really bothers you, you'll have to take it loose.
I would take them out, go get them done where I always had and NOT go back. I went to this place to get my hair done twice and I lost a lot of hair. You may have to wear it in a different style if you have to find somewhere else, but it's worth your hair.
lol hoowww cuuuttte youre being a baby...suck it up asshole...or just shave your head...lol call me a leech again mother ******...your 16 and im sure youre mommy still buys you diapers and whatnot..at least im independent and find a way to pay for my stuff unlike you who im sure has never had any type of income...