The love of my life has died and I miss him so much How can I go on with my life now?


Favorite Answer

You can go on with your life one day at a time. Always hold the memory of your love in your heart and cherish it. Allow yourself time to grieve, mourn and heal, but don't shut yourself out of your life. Spend time with family and/or friends. Do things you enjoy - even things you used to enjoy with him. You will never find someone that will replace him in your mind or your heart, but it IS possible to let yourself love and be loved again sometime in the future (it/when you're ready for it.


People are going to be quick to tell you to move on, I say don't. Take a little you time right now because death is a painful process for anyone and we all heal differently. If you need to, find a counselor or mentor that can help you through the process.


Grieve and move on. Your partner wouldn't want your life to stop because their's did.


Sorry for your loss.
You must go on with your life.He/she would want that, he/she would like you to be happy.
Keep him/her in your mind and in your heart and move on


time heals.although you will never forget that love,year by year the pain becomes easiest to bear...

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