Who thinks global warming is real?

I mean, come on, they thought we were gonna have an ice age in the 70s, now this!!!I think only time will tell. What do you think?


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Ok.. we just discussed this in an astronomy class im taking. Global warming IS happening but interestingly enough so is global cooling. There is a definate green house effext going on with our ozone causing the tempature to rise. BUT the energy from the sun is also being reflected because of the extra clouds were making due to airplane contrails. So less energy actually reaches us.. but when it does it creates the greenhouse warming.. so in essence. Were pretty balanced out. ^_^


It is happening. It's really sad that some people actually make fun of me that i believe it's real. here's an article i wrote to a Yahoo Answers person that i got a Best Answer on"

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Well, I have always wondered the same question….

There’s never an answer that I thought of it being reasonable.

Many times, my friends say “Who cares, it’s just temporarily, and it’ll fade away soon…”

They act like it’s not a big deal when it is. It can affect our children, our grand-children, our grand-grand-children. There are too much. The suns still out, there are still many years to cover. If we still don’t care about smoking and other uses, it’s just no help. Just prepare to die because of stupid people who say stupid things about something they don’t even know the truth of.

Later, as Times magazine entitled an article about global warming and how it is made and stuff, I brought it to school to read, my friend saw it and start reading with me, then I pulled it away since she doesn’t even care. Later during lunch, she’s like, ok ok, I do admit it might be big now can I really read about now?

The next day she said sorry, I never thought it could have been that serious. Thanks for understanding anyway. I accepted her apologue. But I still think it’s just that people don’t research enough to prove it yet. Things are different now. Humans need cars, homes, and some even need cigarette. I don’t blame it on anyone. But in my deep true heart, I blame it on many people, like for instant; I hate whoever invented the cigarette. Every time I go a person who smokes, it make we have a hard time breathing. Hate this person. Whoever.

It’s just not fair. One day, the earth will really be like a dessert.

I think every country should make a group of people who has to have every human learn about global warming and then have them take a test, but I already know it’s not a easy task and no one probably would be wiling to do it and I admit my idea is a little ridicules.

Well, that’s my opinion..

<>dia gemz


i think we've gone up a half a degree since we started keeping track of temperature. but the temp was rising long before the 70's so i'd love to see a legitimate source backing up your claim that people thought we were going to go into an ice age.

the thing i don't think is that humans are at fault in global warming. our planet cyclically warms and cools. we're just warming. the same thing happened, but to a much greater degree the last time we came out of an ice age.

ok, i just called my dad who was in hs and college in the 70's and he said they thought that it was going to be another ice age, just because the had had a few cold winters in a row. but that wans't a global trend, just american. but the trend on a whole for the whole world has been a very slow increase.


sure it is happening, but big deal - we are nowhere close to the warmest it has ever been (maybe since we've been keeping records, but heck that's only 150 years or so), and we are not in an ice age. It's a big cycle - kinda like the seasons but on a much much longer scale. I'm sure that humans don't help it by driving all over creation every stinkin day, but that's a part of progress - some things go up, and some go down...


there is some global warming gong on, although interestingly enough there hasnt been any warming for the last 8 years.

what is disputed is the cause of it, and there is no evidence that it is human influenced

its a natural cycle of warming and cooling

those environmental whackos will have you believe otherwise though

just like byderule following this post

lester brown is an idiot alarmist, and most of his rhetoric is based on maybe, what if, and someday

not a reliable source

i know a guy who has spent his life proving the timecube
brown and this guy are have about the same reliability

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