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=] asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Who thinks Global Warming is real?

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Polar bears are drowning because ice is melting..

Ice/Glaciers are melting.

So many factories&buildings causing air pollution.

It's real.

It causes Wild Fires too.

Every person can make a difference. We can make a difference by doing the following things:if you have to go to the market//store try walking there walk more,you can recyle,replace your incandescent bulbs with flourescent bulbs they might cost more but they eventually pay for them selves becuz they dont burn out,recycle,instead

33 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The more important question is what do you have to do to stop the component of Global Warming that is caused by human activity?

    Essentially you have to cut back co2 production to zero or almost zero world wide.

    What do you think we would have to do in the United States to cut back co2 production to zero?

    What do you think we would have to do to force the People's Republic of China to cut back their co2 production to zero?

    Remember if you do not force the People's Republic of China to cut back their co2 production to zero, you are just wasting your time. You will not stop the component of Global Warming that is caused by human activity.

    Currently the things that we are doing to cut back co2 production, such as purchasing new hybrid cars are nothing more than public relations gimmicks.

    For your purchase of a hybrid car to have any effect you must crush your old car or destroy it in some manner so that it is not usable by someone else, not merely trade it in or sell it to someone else.

    How many people do you know who purchased hybrid cars destroyed their old one so that it could not be used by anyone rather than sell it to someone else so they could use it?

  • 1 decade ago

    First, I find it very funny that a lot of people are saying things like "of course it's real" as though it's a proven law. It's far from proven but it's hard to see this with all the politicians (who are A. not scientists, and B. liars) leading the argument.

    I was once a firm believer, but let me recall a few facts that at least brought the global warming THEORY back in perspective.

    1. One volcanic eruption puts more CO2 in the atmosphere than a year of car exhaust.

    2. When the global warming discussion began in the 50's all these scientists predicted the levels of greenhouse gases to climb exponentially and said the temps will follow. However, it never happened. The increases were fractions of that. What really happened? Again, more theories but nothing proven.

    That being said, there are some changes in temps. The earth's average temp is the same but the extremes are reduced (it's not getting as cold or as hot in areas). This affects everything from crops and vegetation and on up the food change.

    As a species, we are very destructive. We can be doing a lot more. I do my part by limiting my waste, recycling, and anything else that will limit my impact of the environment.

    When it comes to global warming there is a lot to think about, and it doesn't help that there is a lot "scientific facts" out there that is based on some nutjob's view point on both sides. Keep an open mind, but, more importantly, do what you can to help without alienating everybody around you.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Cliches cause problems in communicating details because they create a picture. For each person that picture is different, so the phrase "Global Warming" means something different for you than it does for me. The media-cliche package of Global Warming has connotations that are not true, usually that rampant man-made pollution is causing every violent-weather event. This deception is used to the advantage of greedy businessmen and corrupt politicians. They will be able to claim that they are blameless because the mass of people didn't investigate the details, content with the pictures induced by the cliches. I'm not going to agree with anybody that "global warming is real" if it means that I ascribe to that cliche. Instant media makes it possible to view many extreme weather events daily. This does not mean that there are more as a result of human occupation of the earth. I do admit that it has been getting a fraction of a degree warmer. The beginning for the current warming cycle was AD1750, referred to as the "Little Ice Age", so it is good that it is getting warmer. One thing is for sure: climate does change. It does not change as a result of pollution, though that may have an effect, and should be avoided or mitigated where possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but it' not as threatening as Gore and some might insist. There was obviously global warming at one time or another and there of course has been global cooling. they say it's 1 degree difference on average than 100 years ago, at a time when many were using outhouse, no phones, few cars and we are suppose to rely on data collected then? Why wasn't this broght up in 1980-1981 when there was a rash of heatwaves that hit? And if it is so bad, why doesn't Al Gore practice what he preaches and not use more than twenty times the electricity than a normal home uses...(his excuses are lame at, many dinners partis, etc)

    I know I rad somewhere that less than 60% of scientist belives in Global Warming and of those that was quoted, there were a number that said it could be a positive thing. So again, yes there is Global Warming, but it has happen before it will happen again and it is not near the catastrophy some may want you to believe.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately there is overwhelming evidence that it is a very real thing. Global warming is our biggest short term threat, and we must deal with it. Unfortunately it is easier to ignore certain realities than deal with them. Ask this question again in ten years, and you will have very different opinions from people. It is a shame there have been so many media articles putting the general public off the scent, but hey... bad news should be avoided at all costs.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is real and unavoidable to admit it. It's a fact and has real logical proofs. I have found out that the graph of the temperature has been increasing tremendously since the industrial revolution happened, and especially in the 20th century, just like in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. That's why I think global warming is real

  • 1 decade ago

    International scientists agree that global warming is real and that humans are "very likely" (meaning greater than 90% over the probability of other explanations) the primary cause of unusually rapid increasing global warming. Their report, also backed by the UN, has been reviewed and vetted by 100's of other international scientists and representatives from over a hundred nations before being presented to the public. Please see the excerpts of news that report on these findings below. For continuing skeptics: I'd be very open to seeing similarly vetted and internationally (and similarly unpaid) peer-reviewed counter arguments.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe in it. I saw Al Gore screaming at a campaign speech that voting for anyone but him will meant the destruction of Earth. Like it was going to happen right after the election. Anyone who thinks that he is THAT important to the future of the planet is really delusional and should be institutionalized. From what I've seen, this delusional person is the one behind all the hysteria of global warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    Global Warming is a big farce perpetrated by elitist environmental wackos and big business and big government types to have more control over our liberty and squeeze more money out of us for nonsensical remedies.

    Our planet is very much alive and climate changes have been occuring for thousands of years. Throughout all history, scientists have proven mass evironmental disasters long before man has even been around, Noahs flood comes to mind and the ice age etc.

    The Ice burgs that break away from the arctic have doing so for millenia, Titanic anyone?

    So please, stop scaring the little kids in elementary school by showing them pictures of little polar bears floating on ice burgs because that is what they do.

    Pepole, stop listening to the media about global warming so much and seek proof for yourselves and maybe your kids wont be scared to death about a nonsensical flood that gonna wipe out our coast lines.


    We should treat Gods' creation well, but not worship his creation. But alas, there aint any money in it for the tree huggin scare mongers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its real alright, Russia just had their highest ever recorded temps, same with the UK, and the US. They say you can almost sail all the way to the north pole now? Bears are not hibernating coz its too warm etc, there are thousands of things making themselves visible all over the globe now. The only argument is are we responsible after spending over a hundred years pumping smoke, carbon monoxide and other chemicals and poisons into the air?

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure global warming is real, any idiot can see that. The environmental response is good too because we really need to clean up the environment.

    Do we cause global warming and can we stop it? Of course we caused it, we are responsible for the millennium old NORMAL cycle of warming and cooling of the sun.

    Why is it that over 60% of the scientists who originally started the global warming movement have now rescinded their approval? Because they have seen the facts uncovered to learn that the original supposition was only that, a supposition. Now that the facts are in and continue to mount, it seems we are in the midst of a true global warming because the sun is in the midst of a warming trend. Did man cause the sun to get warmer, to increase its output by 20%. Get real.

    The only people still pushing the global warming bandwagon are the environmental groups in danger of loosing funding and the politicians in danger of loosing votes.

    Global warming is real, we can do nothing about it, so we need to get used to it and find ways to live with it. It cannot be stopped or slowed down even if we all cease to exist.

    Source(s): The web
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