Does the LIfe in America really the way it should be??

In all means satisfaction/hapiness/profoundness.

Thank you.


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I could say, Life In America is really the way it would be, an American Dream if the person strives hard in going to school at a young age, work hard and learn to save and invest early.
Satisfaction/Happiness? It depends on who you are asking the question with? If it's the parents who work, work and work and thought that by working hard, they're giving their children a better future but in the end, the children became society's problem because of drug addiction or some other crimes, there's no "satisfaction or happiness" in them.
But if only a person works hard and work any decent job, yes, Life In America is really the way it should be.


No, the liberals are turning America into a place of sin. No wonder the Muslims think we are infidels--it sure looks that way to me.


Do you have a definition of what it should be?

Life in America, is life in America. Thus, it is as it is and that is, so what else could it be? If it were different then it wouldn't be life in america


No, life in America should be better then it is now, and we shold not be in war with Iraq. Because of Bush i think that we will probably die because of a nuclear bomb.


its a depressing country to live in. yeah sure, you have "freedom" which is slowly being takin away for OUR PROTECTION. its bullcrap. but i do appreciate the beautiful land but the government scares me. they are supposed to be the spokespeople for the american people. they're are making us all out to be like the lil' red head bully in elementry school. pushing over other countries to make themselves feel superior. getting pissed off. visit me at if you wanna send me a message.

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