Why does 'traditional marriage' need protection?

From what, exactly? Why is gay marriage a threat? I'd think the 50% divorce rate would be a bigger concern, if 'protecting' marriage was what all the fuss was about. The Constitution isn't there to diminish rights or further political ambitions.


I'm not gay, been married to the same person for a really long time & he is a guy. Have several gay friends and don't see why people are so afraid of them.


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This is a subject open to high debate.

I am not technically against gay unions. That is a partnership between 2 people to live their lives together, but from a civil and moral standpoint, it sends a message to children that an un-natural relationship is "normal" in a world that has enough confusion.

Whether you believe in God or not... From EVERY standpoint, we were designed to be mated as man and woman. For a man to see another man as 'attractive', and 'fetching', is beyond my ability to understand. Same for a woman, who finds other women more attractive.

Now , the double standard... As a man, I seem to be able to handle the thought of 2 women together, over 2 men. The same way gays can't help their feelings, I can't help my feelings.

From a Political, Financial, Economic, Cultural point of view, they should be allowed to be together, as long as they don't flaunt it to children, which in my opinion advocates their "Cause", and thus, causes confusion to younger people. As well this activity should be considered lude and lascivious acts upon or in the presence of minors.

Nor should they seek the protections that a male-female dynamic are entitled to.

My point is, if you want to be gay, then do so and don't demonstrate your pride in being gay, to others the majority of whom find it offensive.

My opinion, just that.

It should be noted that over the course of my lifetime (46 years), I have known 4 gay couples, all of which were fine people. I found them them all to be good friends, and all were intelligent and good citizens. They did not outwardly flaunt their sexual behaviors in public, and I have had many conversations about the reasons why they have attraction to the same sex. Many have emotional reasons (women mainly), and men, it seems to be more built-in to their make up. All kept their relationships fairly private, with only close friends and family knowing the dynamic. 3 Died from AIDS. I miss them. My arguments for or againts gay unions are the same now as they were then, so I was not swayed by my friendships with these people, and they were ok with it because i didn't shove it in their faces, and they didn't either. All were successful people in their respective fields, a therapist, a doctor, a lawyer, a regional manager for a restaraunt chain, and an investor. Can't remember what the others did.

And finally, I have managed to remain fairly neutral even though I was molested (at 8 years old), by a gay soccer 'coach'.

Final points.

A gay couple that lives a normal lifestyle, and does not outwardly flaunt their relationship is acceptable.

But to watch 2 men or 2 women in public 'making out' or displaying any sexual attractions to each other... should be against the law.

*** The Earth has Hadenough***2006-06-07T15:54:52Z

The problem is other issues

If we allow other than the "traditional" can we stop others from (as in the case of Utah) from marrying children who cannot choose at their young age. Or Bestially. Or a few others. The law can not (or will not write it well) discriminate from the others. This is the problem-to give them rights -we have to give others harmful rights. The Children as in Utah is my beef. It is sad but true. I think many could care less about Gays just that other Garbage will cash in on a new law. If we the people would speak against the other practices I think many states would allow Gay marriages. Unfortunately many Gays will not accept what could happen and look at the problem and work from there.

Than we get into cost-yep insurance-and employers who must cover (not a biggie for me) but there is a cost issue on many things.

These are a few of many-like them or not-but face them and work from there.


There are people who believe that religion/God dictates that “traditional” marriage is meant to be between a man and a woman. So from one perspective, the promotion of gay marriage could be seen as an “attack” against religion; if someone is attacking or trying to undermine your religious beliefs, wouldn’t you try to protect them?

Now, whether or not a ban on gay marriage would be constitutional is a different argument. It is interesting to note that the only amendment to actually decrease rights and freedoms—the prohibition of alcohol in the 18th—was eventually repealed.


If Bill was still in office, do you think we would really talk or care about this sh*t?
Really, who cares?
What has a gay man or women done to them to make it a Constitution that only a man and a women should get married?
No wonder why other countries are laughing and mocking us: We have a total a**hole for a president who cares more about the plight of gay people and telling them what Not to do, instead of finding a mass murderer and sleeping on the job!
These people should get a life!


We need to protect traditional marriage because it is the right thing to do. Although, the divorce rate is very high. Unfortunately, people think that if they get into one fight boom its over. They'd rather not fight "death do us part." Gay marriage is against the Bible. Sodom & Gamorah buddy. America was based on the word of God so why can't it be there to diminish rights?

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