Every girl loves to hear "it".I Iove to say "it";and I only say "it" when I mean it. Do I have to say "it"

for her to know "it"? What is "it"?, Shouldn't she Know "it" before I say "it"? If she doesn"t know "it" before I say "it", what does that say about how I am doing "it"? I mean if I am actually DOING "it", shouldn"t she know "it" well in advance of me saying "it"? : ) XOX ( :


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Personally, I LOVE to hear "it"..."it" makes me very happy...and makes me "it" you more....



Well you said you wouldn't say "it" unless you really meant it. If you feel "it" then she probably feels you do. However, she still would like to hear "it". She is waiting to hear "it". She will never be satisfied unless you do. If you feel "it" the you should tell "it" to her. If you do not. Don't say "it". And leave her alone. She will not truly want to "waste" her time on someone who does not feel "it" .
Make a decision already.


yes say "it ",if u feel "it" and mean"it" then say "IT"i am sure she knows that u do "it" her,but is always nice to hear "IT" oh and by the way is always nice to show "it" in as many ways as possible.
good luck with "it"


Quite possibly... But no matter how much she knows "it", it's always nice to hear "it"...


What's up with all the quotation marks?

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