Why do people feel an obligation to force their religion on others?

I hate it! I always see people try to "help" others by "showing them the way" of their religion! It drives me nuts! "I'm afraid my friend might go to hell because he doesn't find faith in God!" WTF

They think they can just automatically judge them because they don't follow religion... I, for one, am very open minded about religion, and have friends that are Mormon, Islamic, Hindu, Christian, Lutheran, Catholic, and other. I find that some people automatically expect people that do not attend church to have low standards and do not expect them to go to "heaven" I believe when a person dies, they will be judged on how they contributed to the world as a whole, not if they chose the right religion and followed their rules


Praise Jesus I feel you aren't thinking clearly anyway, but no I won't burn in hell because even though I don't rely in the "Correct" religion, I am a person who strives to help and do the right thing


texnbballchick if I felt threatened I wouldn't have written this... Just saying you will pray for me proves my point as you feel you are superior to me and those who do not rely on the support of God in prayer


Hand of Justice, you make the most supporting opposing arguement, but still you say we offer the truth when the truth cannot be given to those who do not believe it is the truth... To you it is fact and fact is right, but to someone else you are far from correct. I am not attacking religion as it provides structure, good values, and support to those who need it, but others can do without it without the constant pressure of others asking them why they don't believe what they do


"These people, i being one, actually believe deeply in whatever religion they have and are just doing what they, and i, think is honest. sorry it annoys u but we aren't all idiots."

First, I never called any person that believes in religion an idiot. In doing so, I would be insulting to many of my friends and family.

Second, what you think is honest, is often hurtful and untrustworthy to those who don't find comfort in religion. It would be like someone trying to force you into believing that God is not real (Opinion). In my opinion, God is real, but that is my opinion, and for my mind only not to be forced on others. This is why I asked this question.


afrasiyab k

My friend, this is why people chose not to believe in religion. These outlandish comments about judgement day often scares them away. This is your opinion but I want to show you that in replying as you have done so, you have proved that you feel that I am inferior or not on your level of society as well as intelligence. Religion should make people understand that all are equal instead of making them feel better about themselves. You are focused around yourself and not those around you. This is what makes me different from you as my mind is open to interpret multiple ranges of religions freely and to choose the principles I like the best


Tryingtohelp, you are a true, clear thinker. I applaud you for ultimately considering my topic to the fullest extent and spending time considering both fews as that is what I have wanted people to do. No matter if you are a certain religion or none at all, you are what God or no God intended for people to evolve into. Thankyou for fully considering my question and your answer is truly a masterpeice


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I commend you and many others who choose not to be involved in orgainsed religion. It is certainly true that God sees the heart and not man. No man should judge another. Religion and faith have always been very touchy subjects, but let me relate it this way. If you knew someone who perhaps was motherless or fatherless and they had to basically bring themselves up, maybe they had lived on the streets, had to fend for themselves and work through life the best way they could, no doubt that person could be a very kind person and even seeking to improve themselves. (most people are). If you could see that your friend was doing something without even knowing it that would sabotage their ultimate purpose or goal they were reaching for, I'm sure out of love you would offer some tactful advice. Some people are tactless but their intentions are good, hopefully the recipient could see through that and know where the advice is coming from. Anyone wise would listen to that advice and give it careful consideration because the definition of insanity is: To keep on doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different outcome! Back to religion, you see Jesus said in Matthew 7:13,14. "Go in through the narow gate because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it, whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading to life, and few are the ones finding it." and Matthew 7:21 says, "Not everyone saying to me Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, only the one doing the will of my father who is in the heavens will". So we see here that just mere believe in god and leading a good life is not enough if we want salvation by him we must find out what his will is for us and then do it. Or if we couldn't be bothered doesent that tell god something about us? Many people make up their own mind about what god wants, its a bit like second guessing you and what you would want, wouldn't you prefer if people asked you and not just presumed because they knew you that they were right, usually when people do that they get it all wrong anyway don't they? The Bible does have all the answers, the trick is to sieve out all the false teachings and practices that have filtered through over the years and find true worship. As a rule of thumb if a religions practices are ungodly then what does that say about them. By the way did you know that Hell is Not a bible teaching it is a misinterpretation and actually stems from the Greek word Hades and the Hebrew word Sheol that means the grave, so when the Bible says you go to hell it just means that to dust you are and to dust you return...yes you die and go to the grave. Many religions have promoted false conceptions about this word hell to hold sway over the multitude which in turn gives them power. God wants us to worship out of love not fear.


they're just spreading the word of GOD..who knows maybe they're trying to be helpful but at the same time pushy. they may not realize it but just take it easy. it's religion therefore it's a sensitive topic and it does anger many people when this happens. it's not the "religion" they are trying to spread it's "which GOD" do you believe in and how do you define HIM is what they are spreading. of course the all the other "corrections" they see must be done to "cleanse" the heart, mind and soul. don't judge the people, judge the religion. get your own facts and tell them that "hey, I'll look into it". that's it.

Lovely &.....2006-09-01T22:59:56Z

Well, my friend, a very important lesson here. There are 2 subjects never NEVER to be discussed in mixed company....religion and politics....this is a Cardinal rule for a reason. Yes, we should be friends not based on our religion, but it interferes. Same goes for politics. And..... how many friends will stick by you when you say you're a Sox fan and not a Cubs fan. People are Biased and the less you share the better. Unless you are on a one to one.


One of those "rules" is evangelizing the lost.....

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." -Matthew 28:19

But unless you know of mainstream Christians that put guns to peoples heads, Im afraid your charge of "forcing religion" is unfounded. We offer the truth, but move on if they are unwilling. We force nobody to believe. People are going to believe what they want, it cant be forced.


I agree. Some people are very "sure" their religion is the only way. It's too bad. They make excuses for judging even though they are commanded by their religion not to judge. People don't always make very much sense do they?

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