Do you believe that there are more bots that people in yahoo messenger?

Are there any people left? or just bots?


Favorite Answer

no, it's just bots


Never seen a bot in Yahoo! Messenger.... not in chat rooms, I think the bots outnumber people about 100 to one (or at least they did about a year ago - haven't been in chats since then)


For some reason some rooms seem more prone to bots.


Absolutely in the chat rooms there's nothing but bots sucks!


Messenger in Yahoo Mail isn't loading precise. I attempt signing in in spite of the shown fact that it would not do it the 1st time or 2d or 0.33. while it finally shows me on line it says I have no contacts on line while i be responsive to that there are human beings on line. I attempt sending messages and the guy in no way gets it. they attempt sending me and that i in no way acquire. this is while it retains me signed in long adequate to attempt sending messages. often indications me out interior of a couple of minutes, although human beings say I look on line on their touch lists. I even have 2 yahoo debts and am having this difficulty on the two debts on my pc (works ok at artwork). i attempted each and all of the stairs pronounced above on the two browsers. i began out having this difficulty 4 days in the past. i'm using a Mac OS X 10.6.8 on the two Safari 5.a million.9 and present day version of Chrome.

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