Best Bumper Sticker?

I was behind a psychedelic van yesterday and it had a few good ones - "Honk if something falls off" and "You might be laughing at me because I'm different, but I'm laughing at you because you're all the same." See any good ones lately?


Favorite Answer

It's such a beautiful day,
I think I'll skip my medications


Stop Inbreeding Ban Country Music


Work harder millions on welfare depend on you

My child was inmate of the month at county jail

Can't feed em? Don't BREED em"

Don't tailgate me or I'll flick a booger on your windshield

I'm retired go around me

Filthy Stinking Rich ( 2 out of 3 ain't bad)

broken flame2006-09-06T00:08:25Z

at this gift shop here were i live theres alot of funny 1s. theres "retired i was tired yesterday and im tired agian today". "keep honking im reloading", "horn broken watch for the finger", "my wife says i never lisen to her...or something like that", "i used up all my sick days so i called in dead", "im retired dont ask me to do a damn thing", "get in sit down hang on and shut up", "cation blonde thinking", and "in your case brain washing would be a good thing". theres alot more and there all so hilarious!


sorry if this offends but I thought it was funny.

I show a bumper sticker that had a picture of the virgin Mary on one side a the caption
"see abstinence is not a hundred percent."

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