My cat just had a litter of kittens - what should I name???

the one that I cant think of a name for is striped and its a girl
and i DONT want to name it tiger or tigger


they are grey and black stripes


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How about Arial? That's a girl cat's name and also a Female Mermaid name. Or how about
Jasamine? Sarah, or Gigi (remember Jerome the Giraffes girl Friend Giraffe on The Friendly
Giant? that's where I get the name Gigi from.

Here's some other names... Betty, Brenda, Carrie, Helen, Lily, Daisy, Karen, Cindy, Rosey
Dorothy, Doris, Carol, Cheryl, Rena

Sally Pepsi2006-09-16T18:13:10Z

Name them: Shaniqua, Shanaenae, Keisha, Lafonda, Boomquisha, Keisha.


How about Kit or I have two cats and their names are Wendy and Baby.

Jennifer H2006-09-16T20:03:29Z

My kids named the kitties we have Daphne and Tucker.

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