Did anybody see Toyota had ANOTHER huge recall today?

533,000 trucks to go with 775,000 last year, all the Priuses and the sludge lawsuit settlement. Don't you think the kings of quality are slipping?


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Been slipping for awhile. But you just can't make everyone see the light. Funny though that as your company gets bigger your quality goes down. But of course number crunchers will only say that it is small compared to how many vehicles they sell.


True, they due have a sludge issue, but. I took my Camry (a '98 V-6 that was still running fine), with 220,000 miles on it, with only one oil change paper ever, and they did a total rebuild for free. Try that with an american car.

One of Toyota's recalls that people are making a fuss about is the floor mat clips. And another is a piece of plastic that comes loose. Is this worse than engines, or transmissions blowing and still not being recalled?


I'm not one to defend Toyota in any way, BUT what is good about a recall is that it is a Pro-Active thing and any company that can admit fault quickly [ or at least BeFoRe people start getting hurt] can be respected by me:)
If they fully knew of the problem and THEN recalled it after many were hurt or had problems, then that is kinda sly... depends on the circumstance:) - YEs, youre right quality slips when you pump them out at numbers like Toyota!



Yea I noticed that. Sadly though, Toyota's much MIS-PERCIEVED "quality" doesn't get much press. That's partly due to the fact that their advertizing dollars support much of the published media.
What will "Motor Trend Magazine" do, if the word gets out, that their biggest advertizing funder has finally agreed to make good on a class action suit ? A suit that they fought & lost. Did somebody call that "pro-active" ?
Here's the article about the "sludge suit":
Or that Motor Trends New Car Of The Year ('07 Camry) is laden with NHTSA complaints, that Toyota is doing nothing about?
here's the link to read all the safety complaints:
"Kings of Quality" have bought & paid for their so called reputation & the truth has been swept under the rug for too long.
Did anybody see the article about how Ford & GM improved their safety recall ratio by over 70% last year?http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070106/BUSINESS01/701060364/1002/BUSINESS
Or about how the American Auto Manufacturers continue to contribute to Americans way of life, even in their financially troubled times?
Or about how American auto manufacturers helped us to victory in WWII?

Just watch how many Answerers come to their beloved Toyota defenses & watch how many give my TRUTHFUL answer the "Thumbs Down"

Oh well, I speak the truth, & I back my answers with actual facts rather than jaded & biased opinion. & I'm old enough & educated enough to know the difference.


no the lsudge thing was BS peolenot chagning heir oil for 25000 miles -- iknow it happens - good friend didn't hcange his lol..

nope all makers have recalls and toyota has as well

the reason it seems larger is that there are fewer now than before so any seems like a big deal and also they are using the same common parts across more vehicle lines now so when youhave a bad part it just doesn't affect one line of cars but 2 or three.

and besides the media loves to hype things when a hero like toyota gets it wrong..

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