What is a gentle, natural way to lighten dark red hair to a more coppery color?

I'd like to try chamomile or lemon juice


Favorite Answer

You could try to cover it from the sun by wearing bonnets and hats. But that isn't any fun! A light dye job or soft bleaching could work. But beware, they are unnatural and could fry your hair.
Honestly, there is no natural way to dramatically lighten your hair.


To get a coppery color, the only natural product that I know is Henne (I'm not sure about the spelling). You'll find it on natural products store. Henne is also used for tattoos.

Never use lemon juice.. It'll burn your hair.

Good luck and please let me know if you use it :)


dont use lemon juice. it really damages your hair. chamomile is fine.

Feta Forest2007-02-11T12:24:30Z

NOOOOO! use dye it works much better!