Why does my cat always do this annoying thing?

I'm not quite sure why, and I've had a bunch of cats before this one but for some odd reason whenever I am wearing a white shirt my cat will try and jump on my stomach and start kneading me (like bread) start purring and biting me. He only does this to me, does he think I'm a female cat or something?


Favorite Answer

Was his mother white? Otherwise, he is doing this because he really likes you. Cats knead as a reminder of kittenhood, that is how they got the milk to flow. So this behavior is a reminder of an earlier happy time in their life, and a compliment to you. The biting is either treating you like family, or a result of overstimulation, He is just too happy to stand it!

Answer Schmancer2007-02-15T19:53:54Z

My cat does this all the time. Cats do this to their mother. If they miss their mother, they will do this to whoever they like the most. It's a compliment.

My cat usually kneeds for about five minutes, then lays down and falls asleep. I don't mind, unless it's 5 in the morning!

Melissa R2007-02-15T19:49:25Z

Cats do this as affection. My cat does it when she wants to lay down on me. She does it for a little while and then lays down. I don't know what's up with the white shirt, but maybe he just likes the fabric.


I have no idea why cats fo this but Ive had cats that do the same thing so its not unusual. I think its just a sign of affection showing that the cat likes you.


This means kitty loves you very much. Kneading is how kittens got milk from mama, maybe mama had a white belly and your shirts reminds kitty of this.
Kittens do this all trhough cathood... just a relfex saying they are happy and loving. Pet her and speak sweetly, and let her enjoy her reverie.

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