window cleaning question - gunk from stick on sign plus dirt?

A previous tennant of our ofdfice apparently had a stick on window sign. They took the sign but left us a sticky pattern where the sign was that now has dirt blown onto and stuck to it. Windex does not work. 409 does not work, Lysol does not work, sceraping scratches glass but does not move much of the gunk. What will work, please. It looks awful. You can still see the shape of their sogn and even some letters in solid dirt. This mess was there before we came and I had no idea that simple window washing wouldn't fix it when we rented the office. This is the outside big front window. Thank you.


Favorite Answer

Try using GOO GONE. I use it at school to get rid of the sticky stuff from strong double-sided tape.


There is a product called "Goo Gone". It should cost between 3-5 bucks depending on the size of the bottle.You can find it in almost any supermarket of lowes or home depot. Thgis stuff removes anything sticky like that or I think gum too. I used it on some residue that had a glue texture and it worked wonders. Just make sure that when using it, use it in a well ventilated area, because it has a extremely strong smell.


comfortable scrub with BLEACH works o.k. and hardly no scrubbing as quickly because it sits. Get some scotch-brite sponges and pour a team of comfortable scrub around the tub then rub it everywhere in the tub. do not rinse off enable it sit down for an hour, then bypass after an hour is up and rub with the scrub area of the sponge. you will hardly could do any heavy scrubbing because of the fact those products works nicely. Rinse off nicely and that's clean and gentle. I used to scrub residences and used this on the dirt and dirt on the tubs. i'm hoping that I even have helped


Put a bit of Butter on a scrap of newspaper and try that, just keep rubbing in small circles. Works for me...


Try WD-40! I guarantee this will work. It's greasy so it will take the ooey gooey right off.

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