How have the Reds done during the preseason?

With work I haven't been able to watch many preseason games, or even read about them that much. Could someone help me out.

A few facts are all that I need. I don't care about anyone negative opinions.

The Man2007-03-25T07:07:30Z

Favorite Answer

The Reds are 15-7 with a .682 win percentage and a 1 game lead in the Grapefruit league over the tigers and the best record in all of spring training baseball.


Doing awesome won 15 lost 7


They have improved, but not enough to make the playoffs unless everything falls just right for them. They can hang through the all-star break if they start well, but that's about it - similar to last year. Their whole division has the potential to finish ahead of them, including the Brewers and Pirates. Potential ceiling is realistically 3rd place, potential cellar is ........ the cellar.


Who cares they stink and sp those their town.

kevin l2007-03-25T15:58:07Z

they been good