I just heard that you can't give dogs chocolate. Is this true and if so why?


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I posted this the other day to another question about chocolate, so here it is again!

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, but it depends on the type of chocolate (milk, dark, etc), how much it eats and how much it weighs.
Dogs are allergic to theobromine in chocolate- baking chocolate has the highest amount of theobromine, white chocolate has the least amount!

From http://www.talktothevet.com/articles/dog... :

1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate
1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate
1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.

Do the calculations, and if your dog has ingested too much chocolate recently induce vomiting. If its been awhile, contact a vet immediately.


This is true! Toxic doses of theobromine (in chocolate) are 9mg per pound of dog for mild signs up top 18 mg per pound of dog for severe signs. Milk chocolate contains 44mg/ounce of theobromine while semisweet chocolate contains 150mg/ounce, and baking chocolate contains 390 mg/ounce.

It takes nearly 4 days for the effects of chocolate to work its way out of a dog’s system. If the chocolate was only just eaten it may be possible to induce vomiting; otherwise, hospitalization and support are needed until the chocolate has worked its way out of the system. And sometimes it doesn't work it's way out and kills the dog!


yes! read this :Why is chocolate dangerous to my dog’s health?
Chocolate has a high fat content and, as a result, your dog may suffer vomiting and diarrhea after eating it. Even more serious is theobromine – this is the active ingredient in chocolate. It stimulates your dog’s nervous system and can lead to seizures or other harmful side effects.

Chocolate wrappers also pose a danger to your dog. Wrappers are a choking hazard: your dog may be attracted to the smell of chocolate on the wrapper, and may try to swallow it as a result. Dispose of wrappers in a place where your dog cannot get at them.


Yes it is true. The reason is because chocolate contains a chemical thats poisonous to both dogs and cats if not to all animals. The amount needed to be fatal varies between each animal but to be on the safe side, its best not to give any to them. Also, chocolate contains cafeine which is also not good for them.


I am not even sure it's worth my while to tell you that it is and why it is... Cause there are going to be 20 people here telling you that chocolate is perfectly fine..

Chocolate is POISON to dogs, It's Theobromine in chocolate.. Darker the chocolate the worse it is..
Not only that, sugar content is high, causing diabetes in your dog, and rotting the teeth right out of it's head...
Cause we know that people who feed their dog's chocolate, do not brush their teeth..
People who feed their dogs chocolate and then defend their mistake, surely don't care much about their dog.. No matter how strong or weak a poison it is.. It's a poison to your pet and you are nasty for defending yourself and feeding the dog chocolate!

People love chocolate, dogs might like chocolate, but it has no place in their diet.. Dogs are NOT people, and they have their own requirements, and chocolate is NOT one of them...

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