Do you believe the government's job is to fulfill the will of the people?

The will of the people is CLEAR!
Pro gun 74%
Pro choice 78%
Pro worker program with strong border control 71%
Pro Iraq timeline 62%
Pro education 96%
Pro stem cell research 78%
Pro Family 92%
Pro death penalty 68%
Why must the majority bow to extremist views from the right and the left?


African Americans and women got their rights once they raised public opinion to support their cause.


figures were averaged from three exit polls from the last election...Gallop, CNN and Rueters


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We live in a Republic NOT a pure democracy. If we lived in a pure democracy then the majority figures quoted by the questioner would be the law of the land.

In a Republic the people delegate their desires for government to their elected officials.

A Republic made sense when our Nation was born - many Americans could not read much less form an opinion on an important military, economic or political matter. Even for those who were literate the flow of information was very slow -not even a 2 wire telegraph when the U.S.Constitution was framed.

it would be interesting to solicit opinion on the pros and cons of a U.S. pure democracy in these days of instant communications and reasonably high literacy rates.


Socialists, then again, propagated that the state or the federal government is the only which must be in whole manipulate of the making plans, creation and distribution method. The political thought of socialism advocates cooperation alternatively than pageant, that is capitalism's mainstay. Socialists feel that wealth or gains created from approach of creation owned through the state, shall be used really and for the welfare of the entire persons, alternatively than simply the elite magnificence. Socialism is headquartered at the philosophy that an person will come to be extra moral and committed in the direction of his paintings, whilst he's receiving what he wishes and whilst he's operating for all people else within the society and consequently, persons should not have any sort of "pageant" to propel them to paintings.


I am optimistic TERM LIMITS would make a difference, of course then you have the Supreme Court, which makes the laws fit their personal whims. But there is some dipute about polling, because it can be influenced by the news media, how you ask the question, or where you ask teh question, such as in teh middle of the working day, those with idle time because they don't work, think taxes and welfare/pension spending should be more increased, ask when those who work 9-5 or longer, and they will tell you they are overtaxed. I believe the Canadians just figured out that th average Candian household's biggest expense is now taxes. But they have a wonderful welfare system for those that don't work.


The will of the people doesn't figure into the job of the government. You can word a question so as to get any answer you want statistically. The job of the government is to protect the citizens.

Army Retired Guy2007-04-21T13:30:42Z

In short, to answer your question. No, its not the governments job to fulfill the will of the people. If that occurred, there would be anarchy. The roll of the government is to make there country, viable, sustainable. And promote an environment of job creation (Capitalistic societies). "You can't always get what you want" (Mick Jagger).

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