Thinking of doing something wondering if people would be interested in something like this?

We have several small animals in our house. And after this week will have more. A few of them are exotic type pets. My seven year old who wants to do some type of work with animals when she gets older (considering zoo work) has done a lot of research and has become very knowledgable on these animals. We dont know if there would be any real interest in this but are considering doing birthday parties where she brings her animals and information on them and other animals and makes a party out of educating the children and letting them handle them.
Is this something you and your children would be interested in? They are small friendly animals that have been handled a lot and are well taken care of. And I thought it would be fun with her leading the party not some adult.


I have already looked into some of the local laws which are not too extensive for the animals we have. And also insurance!
Its so great seeing such a positive response!


Just wanted to thank everyone before I chose best answer. I wish I could chose all of you. So much support, and other great ideas! My girls already do have some volunteer and public speaking experience so I am not worried about that part at all. Also I have looked into laws and insurances. All the animals we currently have are non-poisonness and very tame. Have never bitten to this point but who knows what could happen. Nothing too scary either-no snakes etc LOL. Also I am CPR certified-I have to be in order for my job anyway.. It will take some planning and work but it is definately something we will be doing sometime soon! Thank you so much everyone!


Favorite Answer

That sounds like an awesome idea to me!!!!!

Not only her teaching these things to other kids is great, but it will help her for the future in so many ways.

She will learn how to be able to answer questions efficiently, it will help her to be able to speak in front of crowds, it will teach her how to do research, and most importantly, it will also help her with her self-esteem.

It will make her feel so good about herself which will take her a lot of places in her life.

After feeling confident about that, she will know that she can do it, and will feel really good about trying out other things later on.

As a Parent, you need to keep encouraging her to reach for the stars, and to make new goals, and to never give up until she reaches them, because she can!!!!

I wish both of you Good Luck!!!


There would be a lot of work in doing it. Legal work. Insurance not only on you and the family but open insurance on the people you show your pets to just in case some thing happen and some one got hurt. I would also make sure all information she give is a fact you would hate ot be giving out wrong information.

You should start by having a video commercial on line web page so people can check it out. Maybe have a fake party and put on a show and add some clips and pictures.

Also if any of them are Poisson's you will need to check in to getting CPR/medical certified to handle what happens if on bites or stings. I know you can get certified to carry an epi pen and some other medical stuff.


I think this is a FANTASTIC idea! I think parents would enjoy it as much as the children!! MUCH better than having someone dressed as Spongebob bouncing around and being annoying, leaving the parents to go off into another room so they can get away from the craziness. I HIGHLY recommend following through with this idea. Wish I thought of it :) You could educate, leave a lasting impression on the children at the party, and probably make some real good money doing it too. What a great business idea!! Good luck!


Sounds like a great idea... exotic petting zoo :) I think it would be great fun & a good experience for you and your family. I also think you are right that children would really respond well to anther child teaching them. It would also be a good learning experience for your daughter not only in animal handling & teaching like at a zoo, but business & money management as well as advertising if you include her in this.
Good luck! Hopefully it goes well w/ you.


wow I just want to start off by saying what an amazing little girl you have. And I think this is a wonderful idea, I would enjoy alot having this young child and her pets come to a party this
i have to say by far is a great idea. Your daughter is so amazing I would just enjoy listening to her Tell me about the animals.....Good Luck with your Idea

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