What is a good name for a solid black male medium haired kitten?


My 3 year old likes Dr. Pepper. Does anyone else like that one?

Debbie S2007-05-22T23:22:41Z

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Lana B2007-05-23T06:35:36Z

8ball Chimp Magpie
Abracadabra Chimpanzee
Ace Midnight
Ace Of Clubs Cinders Morticia
Ace Of Spades Clarinet New Moon
Cleopatra Night
Africa Nightflight
Ape Nightmare
Ash Coca-Cola Ninja
Asha Coffee Bean Oboe
Asheby Daffy Duck Omen
Ashely Darth Vader Onyx
Asher Death Othelo
Ashes Pagan
Asheton Dusk Panther
Asphalt Dusky Pepper
Banana Ebony Pepsi
Bassoon Ebony Phantom
Bat Eclipse Pharoah
Batty Egypt Black Bart
Enigma Pitch Black
Black Magic Genie Polution
Black Olive Gomez Puma
Black Orchid Good Luck Raven
Black Panther Rootbeer
Black Puma Gorilla Salem
Blackberry Gris-Gris Shadow
Halloween Smoke
Blackie Snowball!
Blackjack Hecate Sooty or Soot
Blackout Hocus Pocus Spade Flush
Blackster Horseshoe Spades
Blacktop Indian Ink Spook
Bowtie Ink Spooky
Broomhilda Inka Tarbaby
Buckwheat Inky Thunder
Burnt Java Bean Tricks
Camcorder Jet Tuxedo
Char Jynx Voodoo
Charcoal KoKo WebTV
Charm Licorice Wednesday
Charred Licorice Drop Wicca
Chesspiece Lucyfurr Wiccan


sable, ebony or angus. the first two are synonyms for the color. the 3rd is a type of jet black cattle that simply goes by the name angus and is somewhat synonomous with the color and makes for a cool name.

did you know that there are no truly black colored animals in nature? take a look at your kitten in bright light (sunlight is best) as you play with its fur. you'll see that it's really a very dark brown or blue. pretty cool, huh? figure out what color it really is and you can name it "blue" or "brownie" and show people the trick when they ask you why you named it "wrong".



white tiger2007-05-23T05:24:37Z


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