What do you regret the most about being a parent? The time you missed out on?

What --- of everything else --- do you regret you weren't there for?

Do you cry at family events wishing you were more when your children were younger?

What would you have changed if you could go back and have a do-over?

Focused more on their birthdays? Focused less on the bills and more on the events of their lives? Knew every item they were interested in and helped them evolve with those dreams?

What would you give now that you weren't able to then....if you could take back time?


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I don't want to toot my horn. But because I was not given the love and care when I was growing up. I was extra careful to give it to my children, and was always there for them. We had great communication. It was a happy home. I was divorced with 7 children, had to work to support them. I always made sure I took a job that allowed me to be home before they came home from school. Even though because of it my income was not that great. But children, need more love, care understanding than material things.

They are all married now, and have children of their own. They are all wonderful fathers, and husbands. Yes I had 7 boys. I guess I always thought the next one would be a girl.

The only thing I can remember that I regret is that when I had my first born I did not know anything about infants. So when I came home from the hospital with him, and I diapered him. I used alcohol to clean his bottom. Well he was screaming the whole night, and I didn't know that his bottom was burning him. My older sister came over the next day, and somehow found out what the problem was. So that is the only thing I can say that I regret.


The only thing that I regret is not preparing more in advance. Especially where finances were concerned. I wanted to be a stay at home mom, and I am, but we didn't save up any money before our son was born, and it has been very rough at times. I have no regrets at all as far as my son is concerned. I just wish things were easier at home, because I know I am a better parent when I'm not stressed over money. I also we could give him more things that he wants.


Although I have a bf i am a single mom with 2 kids. With my job I am constantly on the road travelling. I wish that I could be home with them more. I also think that I am probably more strict with them then I should be and am trying to change that fact. It is true that you turn out to be like yourt parents. I have never missed my kids birthday. I always make sure that I get those days off. Their birthdays are like a sacred holiday for the 3 of us. I am trying to achieve my goals ( going back to college at the age of 26) so that they know that no matter what all they have to do is have dreams and goals and strive for them. If I did things over then my kids wouldn't be who they are today. Or at least I don't think they would be

Amber G2007-05-28T02:44:56Z

I would not trade being a parent for anything in the world.....although I wish that I would have waited until I was at least 22 to have kids...So my husband and I could have had some time to ourselves for a few years....We were married in 2000 and I was pregnant in 2001. Not enough together time with just us...
But we love our kids and would not change our life for anything
We have endured a lot of hardships with our first born having a heart condition ...and haveing to have surgery...God got us through all of or trials and by the grace of God our son is still here with us. He has had several health problems.....God blessed us with a Down Syndrome child which takes a special person....I love our life for we are richly blessed....remeber take things one day at a time....You never know how much time you have with your children so cherish everyday! Good Luck!


The only regret is that I was dumb enough to give her the fathers last night and then I kicked him out 2 years later. Now at 6 its been over 2 years since he has seen or talked to her. I should of cut him off from the get go. That is my only regret.

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