I found a (coach) roundtrip ticket for 2 people for $582.00 on Southwest Airlines, I'm wanting to stay under $400 total. Any travel agents can help me out?????? Am flying from Houston to Vegas on July 20th rerturning on the 23rd. Hotel reservation is already set.


Favorite Answer

$414.80 per person - I'm not sure if you meant $582.00 per person or total for two. IF it is total for 2 that IS a good price and to try and hope for any lower is just unfortunately being unrealistic from rates I have seen to Vegas. The airlines aren't running as many flights to Vegas as they have in previous years, therefore increasing the rates. I would advise you to contact a local travel agency. If you are able to it is always going to be better to keep air/hotel together to get a packaged airfare (in most cases).

Agents typically always win over online with packages - airfares, not always.


Check out this website They have a coupon for up to 70% discount on last minute trips, may be able to save you some money.


try ..may be u can combine with a hotel stay and negotiate the price on Priceline..

All the best