Would Yahoo Answers be better if you could remove troll comments from your posts?

I've noticed a lot of trolls lurking around lately. Most want to just be jackasses to others who are trying to get real information. Do you think Yahoo Answers would be better if they had a "remove comment" function since there are so many trolls on this site? I've seen some incredibly BAD comments (one was where someone even told another that they should die of aids when the person was only asking about how you could obtain a home test kit.) What do you think about the "remove comment" function? Should we be allowed to have it since it will prevent trolls, or do you think it's against freedom of speech?


~STONE COLD STUNNA~ - I hope you had fun f*cking a corpse, dude. My Mom has been dead for five years. Necro.


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I don't understand why many participants on Answers want to create a sterile environment---choose the questions posted, choose who sees the questions, choose who can answer their questions, choose the answers posted to their own questions. What's the point of Answers if you are going to control everything? The randomness of it all is what makes it appealing--the nice, the sarcastic, the zany off-the-wall, etc. The trolls will always find a way around all of these control mechanisms, while everyone else is trying to come up with more rules to control the trolls and forgetting to enjoy Answers in the process.


Not really. I seem to find that many questions are almost all the same questions are being asked over & over again. Mostly on the Singles & Dating category. The only questions I am asking or answering are unique questions that has been asked rarely or no one has ask at all. I would submit a common question but only if its a last resort. Nowadays, I am looking for unique questions to answer or ask. I guess some people feel the same way & that's why less people come here & participate.

tictak kat2007-06-30T19:11:57Z

Removing the comment sounds good to me.

Kiss My Shaz2007-06-30T19:12:34Z

it's the summer and all the kids are out of school, making the decent teenagers look bad. Some of the things they say are horrible....but they WILL find out one day karma very much exists.

rain4him *Stranger In Most Towns2007-06-30T19:11:34Z

I don't think it will work because the trolls would then just be mean and remove whatever they wanted to. It's just awful.

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