What is a Bigger Danger to the USA, Al Qaida or the Daily Kos/MoveOn.org Blogs?

Both can't stand America and embrace nutty conspiracie theories. Al Qaida beleives the JEWS the Holocaust never happened and the socialist anti-american blogs think Diebold stole the election and Bush pulled off 9/11.

While the form of treachery varies slightly from case to case, liberals always manage to take the position that most undermines American security.

Whether they are defending the terrorists or bleating for Saddam Hussein, liberals are always against America. They are either traitors or idiots, and on the matter of America's self-preservation, the difference is irrelevant!


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Great Question. Al Qaida has not attack us on US soil since 9/11.

Liberal Blogs attack America everyday!


No. a million is fundamental gamers in congress and the white residing house No. 2 the lobbyists and funders who bankroll the politicians. No. 3 could be the Mexican connection No. 4 enraged electorate dealing with financial ruin Al-Qaida is to date down the checklist, it somewhat is beside the point. anyone with a ideas is now very, very suspicious of 9-11 and no-one will purely assume yet another attack might come from Al-Qaida. greater possibly from Tel Aviv. Ask Larry Silverstein approximately that one.

Michael H2007-07-05T10:51:33Z

While both present a threat, the biggest threats always come from within because they are so subtle and slow moving. I think we would notice a large invasion force from al-Queda, but the invasion force from the MoveOn.org types is slow. All it takes is for someone like Hillary to get into office along with a few others in Congress who have little or no backbone, and there you go. We are no longer a democracy. We are a socialist country.


Right wingers are the biggest threat to America and you are living proof of that. Look at how they have ruined your mind! This is shameful! How are we going to survive the rest of the century with people like you in our ranks trying to steer us into being sheep like yourself? What you describe as "treachery" is the work of patriotic Americans who actually care about what happens to this country - with the exception of Al Qaeda, which is a creation of the CIA, as any reading of history will clearly indicate. Saddam Hussein was an American puppet, paid for and directed by the CIA in order to destabilize the Mideast. He did most of his atrocities while he was an American ally, and the Americans provided him with all of his nerve gas and gave him satellite information as to where to use it. It is time that America woke up the fact that traitors and gangsters have taken over our government and it is also time that we recognize that these right wing idiots who defend their lies all the time are part of the problem. They are also a quickly shrinking minority, and it is time that the rest of us began isolating them, which is not hard to do, considering how stupid and uneducated most of them are anyway, and incapable of grasping either facts or logic - instead relying on frothing-at-the-mouth talking heads like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh to do their thinking for them.


Look at your own party, questioner! Cheney says he's not part of the executive branch. Mark Foley, a pedophile, appointed to run the child safety commission... the Democrats are crazy but the GOP is corrupt to the core! In fact, there's only one true conservative who wants to bring the party back to its small-government roots: presidential candidate Ron Paul!

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