Cat "pimple" question?
Just picked a little scab off (long-hair) cat's tummy and underneath was (what I would call) a pimple? He rolled over so I could scratch, but when I tried to 'pick' at pimple he didn't like it... (there may be more). Didn't look like a bug --- it looked (and felt) like a scab.
Any idea what I'm dealing with? Just common skin problem? If so, what do I use to help him? If VET is in your answer, sorry, I don't have $hundreds so they can test him for a million different things, etc etc.
I love my kitty with all my heart, but one trip to vet for something simple is always over $100.
It looks like a PIMPLE: not a scratch or nick or bite, but a PIMPLE.
so, taklng your good answers in, which one looks like a pimple? with a thin raised bump?
sorry, not trying to be difficult, but those don't seem to fit. People that mentioned Fleas, please post if it looks like that.
Thanks so much everyone!