Do you think this would end the wars in the Middle East?

If we transferred all of our electrical production to wind, solar, and coal and away from oil. Then moved our heating away from home heating oil to electric, natural gas, and geothermal. Then we increased the mileage on our vehicles to over 45 mpg. The price of oil would go through the floor, since we use most of the world’s oil. Then the billions that flow each year into the Middle East would dry up. Their leaders would go from living in luxury to worrying about how to feed their people, since they import a large part of there food. They would no longer be able to spread terrorism because they would be looking for food, and the US has the largest potential to produce food for export. We could sell them food discounted rate so they become dependent on us. Then they can not attack us for fear of starving.
Do you think it would work?


Favorite Answer

Sadly, we had a chance once to see if your idea would really work. Thirty years ago, we had an Energy Poilicy with the goal of getting us away from dependency on OPEC.
28 Years Later:
Alternative Energy Sources:


I also have a feeling that Israel ought to start something with Iran this summer season. And, if that occurs we would be drawn into it. to respond to your question the midsection east has been at war for over sixty years or maybe long till now that. NO, they'll in ordinary terms intensify. those wars are futile and there are no longer any winners, merely particularly some broken lives.


I think it would stop the US involvement in the Middle East but it would not stop the war. Israel will still be a threat to and be threatened by all the other countries in the Middle East. Until this problem of Israel and the Palestinians is resolved there will never be peace - but the US would be out of there like a shot!

Tom Sh*t2007-08-24T19:17:47Z

No. Most of the oil money is not geting down to the people. Therefore they already have little to live for but paradise.

I think we should get out of the Middle East and like your plan otherwise, but in the end they might start eating each other, if there is no democratic reforms, which would bring us back inthere on a 'humanitarian' mission.


For many years, a few people have spoken out, that we (the USA) need to become oil independent ASAP, and energy independent as soon as possible after that.

But it would have a major effect on the world economy. It depends how desperate we get, when we do become energy independent.

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