how do you get over an ex?

i need to get over ALOT of exs. and to make things worse, my best friends are going out w/ them. HELLO?!!!! that doesn't help me. i do have feelings left but nothing major. so what should i do to get rid of them?


Favorite Answer

stop talking and thinking about them, and move on...It's over,don't dwell.


Ouch. My advice at first was going to be to break all contact with them. If your friend is now dating them, it makes it really hard! I had such a hard time getting over mine. It took months. I had to make sure I stayed away from wherever he was, not answer any of his calls, (he wanted to be "friends") and I also needed the distraction of getting out and flirting with other guys. Eventually I found someone else to keep my mind busy. It still feels wierd when I see him, especially with other girls, but we are strong, and we spring back eventually. Just avoid as much as possible, and find someone to occupy your time!