HELP! PLEASE! Nieces coming for dinner!?

My 3 nieces are coming to stay tomorrow night. What should I make for dinner? I don't have kids, so I have no clue what they like to eat!


Recipes, people, I'm looking for RECIPES please!

Maxine PantherFan2007-08-29T07:28:26Z

Favorite Answer

Chicken nuggets, Corn, Macaroni & Cheese, my kids love these 3 served as a meal.

Tara C2007-08-29T15:04:31Z

Keep it simple. Kids are simple creatures, it generally doesn't take much.

Get all the fixings for pizza. You can buy crusts, bagels or English muffins, sauce, cheese, pepperoni, whatever they like. They like making the pizza, it will kill some time and actually eat. Serve it with veggie sticks and ranch dressing. Also get a cake mix (boxed is fine), let them make these as well, frost the way they like and let them decorate with sprinkles. For drinks let them have Shirley Temples.

Keep it simple.


Chicken Enchilada Skillet

• 1 tablespoon oil
• 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut bite-sized
• 1 14.5 oz. can chicken broth
• 1/4 cup ranch dressing
• 2 tablespoons flour
• 6 flour tortillas, cut into small pieces
• 1 cup shredded four cheese
• 1/2 cup salsa

• Heat oil in large deep skillet on medium-high heat. Add chicken; cook 7 minutes or until cooked through; stirring occasionally.
• Mix broth, dressing and flour until well blended; gradually add to chicken, stirring constantly. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 3 minutes. Add tortillas; stir to combine.
• Sprinkle with cheese; cover. Simmer 3 to 5 minutes or until cheese is melted. Top with salsa.

Wizard Of OS2007-08-29T14:36:23Z

Get some pizza kits and toppings then make small individual pizzas and let them help. No sure how old they are but it will keep them busy and can be made into a fun and educational activity.
You could actually take them to the grocery store to help buy the fixin's and then get them to help clean up.


How old are they??? If they are rele young (2-4) then, you should make finger food. Something like chicken fingers, fishsticks, and french fries. If they are school aged (5-17) then they might want something like burgers, hotdogs, spaghetti, and maybe a tasty veggie like corn. If they are older (18+) then, anything you would make for yourself probably. You could always call and ask. Good Luck!

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