What Is The Relation Between Tenacity and Passion?
I argue that passion need not be mutually exclusice from tenacity, rather passion can inspire us to be tenacious in the face of adversity, and in turn create a cyclical pattern to re-inspire our passion from tenacity and our tenacity from our passion. I am currently faced with a counter-argument that tenacity is a far more long-lasting experience that it cannot be sustained by the volitility of passion.
I'm just curious what anyone has to chime in on this one with.
Gee Wye2007-09-04T13:38:55Z
Favorite Answer
I agree with you; namely, that passion tends to create tenacity.
have you thought of one-way passion ? which leads to tenacity then to obsession.. well I believe that tenacy could not last that long without passion to back it up ? Even if will can help for a time, tenacity without passion will become destructive because the true bond is lost..
One can be courageous without being passionate and vice versa. Tenacity is the character trait of mental determination while passion is emotional fixation on the object of ones desire. While sometimes they go hand and hand, more often they do not.......Emotional fixation is not the same thing as mental focus. I can be very tenacious/determined to get something accomplished without getting all emotional about it.