Does anyone know anything about Tennis Elbow?

About a month ago, I was diagnosed w/ Tennis Elbow. I have done the band, the RICE, everything. While most of the pain is gone, I still have one spot that is still hurting and, consequently, preventing me from doing things the way I used to. I dont even know how I got this. It is really becoming annoying. I have looked at all the websites and have done EVERYTHING. What else can I do?

Serious replys only please. I am severely right handed and this is really interferring w/ my life.



Favorite Answer

I found a very interested short article about tennis elbow for you please follow the link to learn more:
Good Luck


I had a cortisone shot 5 weeks ago, my elbow felt fine for 3 weeks but then my elbow pain came roaring back worse than before the injection. I have been using this tennis elbow secrets program now for 5 days and my elbow feels much better. I can really feel my arm getting stronger as each day passes.

Cure Tennis Elbow?


Rest helps, with avoidance of the activities which over use the elbow.

Physiotherapy treatments, which may include heat or ultrasound therapy.

Use of anti inflammatory drugs and ordinary pain killers (analgesics).

Your doctor may suggest an injection of a small dose of steroid to the affected area. This is not the sort of steroid banned for athletes. If used it can last for up to three months, and although it may need to be repeated you seldom need more than two or possibly three injections.

You can buy a brace from a sports shop or pharmaceutical supplier, which can be helpful. This is probably largely because it reduces the amount you can use your elbow.

Hope this helps =]


I never had but two people that I know have. One seems to have gotten over it after a couple of years but the other has been bothered for more than ten years now. Most likely will never get over it.

Sure glad I don't have it.
Hope it is much less for you. Good luck.


See a neuro-muscular massage therapist.

They have done what no doctor or chiropractor sould ever do for me.

(You're lucky its only tennis ELBOW. I knew a guy that had Tennis balls!)

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