How can you tell when your hair is super healthy?

I know my hair is long, thick, shiny, and healthy, but how can you tell if it's hair model worthy? I don't want to be a hair model, I just want my hair to be that healthy. Any hair models out there with any tips to getting my hair super, super healthy?


Favorite Answer

Just be glad you've got some , unlike me .


If anyone tells you to use horse shampoo please do me a favor and punch them in the face. The best you can do for your hair is internally, at least to get it to grow. The hair cuticle is inside your body where products don't reach. So take your vitamins and avoid stress. As for your actual hair. Be gentle, try not to cause breakage or damage. Use products like heat protectant and try blow drying instead of straightening. Get trims about every 6 to 7 weeks to rid of dead ends that would end up breaking off anyway. By the way, Miley Cyrus wears hair extensions.


All the models' hair that you see in commercials has gone through some major editing to make it look perfect for advertisement. If you just shampoo & condition every other day and get at least a trim at your local salon every 6 weeks, you'll have healthy hair.


First of all ... stop comparing your hair to a hair-models hair. That's ridiculous, your hair sounds damn' fine to me Sweety.
But if you really wanna get the hair of a photo model I suggest a flattening iron, ton's of FrizzEase, good lighting and the new version of photoshop ;)
In my believe the only thing vital to nice hair, besides the 'normal' maintenance like washing it every two or three days, is good genes.


It depends on the type you have to begin with. Mine is straight and coarse (Native American/Asian type.) When it's healthy, it's strong, doesn't feel crunchy, and has a shine to it. Some people with curlier hair types won't have the same amount of shine because of the way the cuticle on their hair is, but if it isn't breaking, that's a good sign.

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