Brought home a 2 month old kitten Saturday morning and has not quit crying since. Should I take it back?

Brought home a 2 month old kitten 5 days ago and he has not quit crying since. Also I have noticed he doesn't use his litter box all the time. He waits till I am home and urinates in the chair next to me, where I can see him. Is this separation anxiety? Is he mad that I took him from his family? Should I take it back?


I read something saying cats don't like the smell of citrus and I recently used pine sol on the floor where the litter box is located. Could this be the problem, anyone else heard of this?


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i took a stray kitten in 2 week ago he was 2 month old going on 2 years i think,he peed in my wash basket the first time as soon as i put the litter tray down he used it he hasnt cried he thinks he owns the house now,he will probably be mssing mum so you will have to be his foster mum all you need to do is give plenty of love show him the litter tray and say good boy or girl, it works with cats as well as dogs,the cat just needs reasurance,he will settle he has to get used to you and feel safe,but i would avice taking him to the vet for injections and to be checked for worms flees ect and neutered if it is a tom cat it is better for the cat mine is being done in 2 weeks please give him a chance rather than take him back and forth
good luck


Lock the kitten in the bathroom with a litter box and food and water while you are gone. If it has full range of the house it gets lost.
Also it is "talking" to you because it is excited. Most kittens meow A LOT.
Keep it in the bathroom when you are not home and while you are sleeping. Also give it something soft and warm that smells like you, such as a pillow you've slept on, or a blanket. That way they can be around your smell all the time and get more aquainted.
Once it starts using the litterbox all the time, you can stop locking it up.
It sounds silly, but I foster kittens for the Humane Society, and these steps work 100% of the time.


First of all, where did you get this cat? If he really is two months old, he is too young to be away from his mother and siblings. Kittens typically should not be separated until they are about 12 wks.

Kittens require training just like puppies. Your cat is really young, so you have to put in a lot of time and effort. With the litter box issue, train him just like you would toilet train a toddler. Put him in the litter box whenever he acts like he has to "go" and immediately after he has an accident. As for the crying, he is too young to be separated, as I said, but he can still be okay if you raise him right. You may just have to give him time and be understanding. He is very young and in a new place with new people that is different than anything he is used to. It would take you more than a week to adjust, too.


It takes time for a kitten to adjust to being away from it's mother. Just give him lots of love and attention, When he sleeps, put a warm (NOT HOT) water bottle next to him, to imitate mom's warmth, and if you can find an old fashioned wind-up alarm clock- the ticking imitates mom's heart. As far as the litter box issue, sometimes that takes a little time also. Just keep picking him up every so often, and placing him in it. He will get the idea. When our 9 year old cat was a kitten, he used to pee in his box, and poop behind our floor-length curtains. It took time and patience, but he got the idea eventually. Don't give up on your little guy. There are way too many homeless animals out there. Give him a chance to grow old with you. Play with him alot, give him lots of love and attention, and the rest will just fall into will see.


Kittens take a lot of special care and attention. He may not neccesarily "know" where his litter box is. He is probably crying because he is so confused. Is he eating and drinking ? If he is I would just give him a lot of love, attention, and some extra TLC for the next few weeks. If he does not calm down, then take him to the vet. actually you will have to take him to the vet anyway. See what they say.

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