Please adopt a shelter animal? Don't breed? Spay and Neuter?

Pet overpopulation is a growing problem:
There are 45 cats and dogs for every one person born.
Only one out of 10 dogs born ever find a permanent home.
Only one out of 12 cats born ever find a permanent home.
800 dogs and cats are destroyed each HOUR in the U.S. because there are not enough homes for them!

Please consider these numbers when you.....

consider letting your pet breed.
neglect having your pet spayed or neutered.
consider buying a pet from a breeder or pet store.
condemn different rescue organizations for euthanizing adoptable pet.
consider a pet for your home. Make sure you are willing and able to make a lifetime commitment to that pet!


Favorite Answer

You are right, save an animal from a shelter. But remember the no-kill shelters are non-profit and can always use help. Don't think just money, think paper towels to clean, litter for cats, bleach to clean and not spread germs, food, clean blankets/towels for cuddling, etc. I always have mine "fixed" by the age of 6 months. I have a stray cat that showed up, had him neutered and is now a mighty lover/hunter at 5 y/o. Will be moving off of the farm and my dad will have to get another mouser.


Not all. Some give certificates to the adopters when they adopt a young kitten or puppy. The certificate don't cover the entire cost of the procedure.The shelter here does that and they do check up on it to make sure that the animal was fixed. Now there are some shelters that do spay/neuter them before adoption even on young kittens and puppies. The last shelter I volunteered at done it at 8wks and all animals were fixed before adoption since a lot of people didn't neuter/spay.


Thank you so much for this post. I am so sick of seeing birth after birth on this board knowing that most of those born will have a miserable short life.

I don't have the facts but I would bet that a cat over 4 years old in a shelter has very little chance of being adopted
It's about time that people who think they care showed some responsibilty and spayed and nutered their cats

Cato Says "Kalamaloo"2007-09-30T04:24:22Z

Ok so your probably going to get this question deleted coz it isn't a question but I'm so so so happy that someone has put these numbers up here for people to see.. Why breed your pet?? Leave it to the breeders.. And why buy a puppy when there are many loving and desperate, neglected animals waiting to be loved and cared for at your local shelter..Thank you hunny!!! You may have saved some animals for a horrible fate!!


I have three dogs that aren't from the shelter but are strays. My two older ones are from a neighbor that allowed their dogs to breed all the time. I had 6 pups wander up to my house...I fed them..took care of them and buried 4 of them from parvo. We got the last two treated and have had them for 3 and 1/2 years now. Our puppy came from a person sitting in the parking lot at Wal-mart trying to give her away. They are all spayed. And they are all very spoiled.
Our local sheler is a no kill shelter...thank-goodness. But they are always in need of we do what we can.

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