Have you ever had a part time cat?

I have a cat who will run out of the house one day in the spring. All through summer she won't let me near her and will only eat when I'm well away from the food bowl; if I try to come near she'll run off. Then, come fall when the leaves start to change and the nights cool off, she'll be at the front door. I let her in and there she'll stay all winter, sleeping on my lap or on my bed, not moving except to eat, drink or use the litter box, nudging me frequently to be pet and cuddled. Come spring it's off again, avoiding me like the plague.

Has anyone else ever known a cat like this?

♫♪ Ŝħàřòñà ♪♫2007-09-30T09:55:45Z

Favorite Answer

I have a part time cat I got him like 4 years ago and he was a great house cat, brought a kitten into the house then he started disappearing for days at a time then weeks and now it's many many months at time I bring him in give him a bath and he waits for that door to open again and runs off, I'm sure there are other people that take care of him too but it only seems like he comes home if he's sick or in dire need of a bath.


I'm no expert, but I've never heard of a cat something like this.
Maybe you are doing something that makes the cat want to avoid you? Is it very hot or humid in your house during the summer?
Do you wear a different perfume during that time?
Are there other animals or people in your house / near your house at that time that the cat doesn't like?
Good luck!

elin j2007-09-30T16:30:00Z

I have one cat slightly similar. not so much to the point where she wont let us near her, but in the summer they just like to play out more, and remember, cat's are independant animals..